Sunday 13 March 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Kirkmabreck-Nick of the Din-Carsluith, March 2011

On Friday night the weather forecast for Galloway and South West Scotland was for really bad weather on Saturday morning.
It never materialized,but managed to put quite a number of walkers off.
I've written the press report for this walk,and as such will use it in the blog. 
Ramblers Report 11th March 2011

A forecast of bad weather resulted in a depleted group of eight ramblers for the walk.
After parking the cars by the Kirkmabreck quarry alongside the A75, they began the walk.

A short climb up a track brought them to Glebe House, formerly quarry offices and the one time residence of Creetown's late Japanese sculptor Hideo Furuta.This grade B listed building, was once a manse and the birthplace in 1778 of Dr Thomas Brown the noted Scottish metaphysician, moral philosopher and poet. It is destined to become a ruin, but features of its one time eminence can still be seen.

Wild garlic growing extensively in the once magnificent gardens gave off a strong pungent aroma.

Next they followed the track in a clockwise direction to view the quarry from above. From here they could view Wigtown across the bay from the now disused loading quay.

As they continued to climb, the walk leader pointed out the route and the remnants of the tramway that linked the quarries to the Kirkmabreck quay.

An anchor point of the tramway system.

Continuing upwards they passed the Silver Hill and Old Creetown quarries before reaching Fell quarry.

Here the walk leader imparted more local history and personal experiences.

Next they made their way to the ruins and graveyard of the original Kirkmabreck Church.
Here they looked at the many old gravestones and memorials with the oldest dating back to the 17th  century. It was sad to see more weather damage since the ramblers’ last visit, with the lettering on Thomas Brown’s memorial breaking up.

Now they took the muddy south east track across the Kirkbride burn stopping at the small cairn which appears to be in a line with the Bagbie standing stone and the Glenquicken stone circle.

A kissing gate brought them to the road by Bagbie Sheds.

Now they followed the tarmac road southwest before turning along the track to Bagbie farm.

Here they stopped to admire and read the new information boards detailing the walking trails of Bagbie and Daffin Farms.

A gentle incline now took them past Daffin farm and into the Cleugh of Doon.

A short climb brought them to the top of the Doon of Carsluith, the outline of the ancient fort still easily discernible. 

Finding shelter from the wind overlooking Carsluith Castle they took their lunch break. The weather up till now had been overcast with occasional drizzle, but brightened enough to allow views across Wigtown Bay

Carsluith Castle

After lunch they made their way back to the Cleugh of Doon and through the Nick of the Din (Nick = Cut, Din or Dun = Fort), a. narrow gap, which from a distance looks like someone’s taken a slice out of the hill.

This looks like a classic.It also informs us in the back window it was in the " 24 Heures Le Mons" in '59 and'63.

With a quick glimpse of the rooftops of Kirkdale house, they next descended to Birks and Stroans where a small dog let them know they were encroaching on his or hers territory.

After crossing the busy A75 they made their way down through Carsluith Wood to the shore. Steep slopes and strewn with wild garlic made this a potential slippery manoeuvre. This resulted in a few of the group appearing to be doing the Conga on the descent.

Having safely reached the shore they now began the walk back. Lots of  small shells along the stony coastline made it easier underfoot.

There's a fishery on the OS Map.I believe this might have something to do with it.

Lovely doggies.

After passing Carsluith Castle, they reached Kirkbride. Here they again crossed the A75 to take the old road along to Kirkmabreck.

A visit to the Galloway Smokehouse where purchases were made concluded a very pleasant walk.
Teasel heading for Stranraer.

Overcast and drizzly on occasions,but a very nice walk.


  1. Another good looking walk on a particularly dreich looking day. Particularly interested in your local sculptor. It's a bit difficult to find many pictures of his work on the net but I managed to track down a few on Flickr - seems D&G arts department have a page

  2. thank you for taking us on your walk. Amazing views and sights. I would have enjoyed wandering along this path too!

  3. Sandy,I'd love to have met him ,he was quite a character apparently.Sadly he died too young and before I returned to Scotland.

    There's a photograph by Mick Garratt on Geograph of Kirkmabreck Quarry with his obituary beneath at this address.

    Tammie thanks for visiting,I'll be keeping an eye on happenings in Montana from now on.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.