Tuesday 19 April 2011

Five days in the Lakes-Day Five-Goldscope Mine

It's Friday the 15th of April and we'll be heading back to Galloway today.
We've all split into little groups to do our own things.
I'm heading back along the Newlands Valley for a look at Goldscope Mine.

I met some interesting characters on my way
Now there's a contented lamb.

The back of Low Snab Farm is where I want to be.

Those two fellas were hill climbing I think,they never went to the mine but turned right along the hill path.

After a climb up the spoil heaps I get to the Adit.
I decide to do some videoing of my walk inside.I must have gone in some way as I did seventeen minutes recording.
I did intend to upload my video to You tube then blog it,but after second thoughts I'm not going to embarrass myself.
Instead I'm embedding a video by Aditnow of the Coffin Level of this mine which I didn't quite reach (A few more yards probably)

I head back to the chalet via the back road,I want to take a look at Rigg Beck.As well as being a stream it's also the name of the new building that's being built.
Originally the site of the Newlands Hotel it was already derelict after being destroyed by fire in 2008.
It's on the net here.Rigg Beck

More photogenic creatures,an interesting landrover and a dewdrop get me back to the chalet.

The next group of ramblers are already getting settled in and just about to set out for their first walk.
They're the Richmondshire Ramblers and I pass a while talking to them before they head off on their ramble.
It's not long before the Stationmaster's back to pick me up and we make good progress homeward.

It's been a very enjoyable week.


  1. Smashing video Jim.Looks like you had a good time down the lakes.Used to love going down there for hill weekends then popping in to the little chippy in Penrith for Cumberland sausage and chips on the way home.Happy days.

  2. Indeed it looks like you had an awesome week! Such beautiful terrains that you traveled this week! The mines look very interesting. It's been years since I've traveled caves or mines...

  3. I reckon I might have sampled that Cumberland sausage if it was the Townhead chippy Bob.It was a good video,wished I'd taken it.

    As a youth I worked down a Limestone Mine Michael,but not in such cramped conditions as those old timers had.
    It was a good week.

  4. thank you for a wonderful and unique look into your world. that lamb is so very cute!


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