Tuesday 19 April 2011

Five days in the Lakes-Day Four-Honister to Dalehead to Stair

It's Thursday the 14th of April.We had an enjoyable evening last night when we all went out for dinner.
The The Farmers Arms at Portinscale was the venue.Not overly expensive and quite a relaxed atmosphere.

Today we're heading back to Honister Pass.We're climbing up to Dalehead where we'll again split into two groups.Half the group will make their way back to Honister via a circular route.
The rest of us will continue on to Hindscarth and make our way back to the chalet via Newlands.

Today we go to Honister via Buttermere.
Again it looks a nice day although all summits are under cloud.

Dalehead is a steady climb directly north from Honister Pass.
We make steady progress.
Everone's in a good mood.
I'm not as good as I was Tuesday/Wednesday.Someone suggested it was the drink last night.One pint and one whisky ? I don't think so.It doesn't matter because I'm Ok after Dalehead.

Old iron fencing and tighteners,a disused quarry,a view of an adit and a dog with saddlebags were amongst the interesting observations.

This fella told me he started back down from the top three weeks ago.He was hoping to get down for easter .....................................................................................................................................2012

It's good to see our recuperating walkers with us today.We're almost level with the clouds now.

There's a buzzard watching us as we get into the mist.This is our last view until we leave Dalehead.

I'd love to know how old these fence ratchets are. Quality engineering.

The top of Dalehead and we're in the clouds.
Compass readings are attempted successfully .Took a while though.

Lots of photos are taken.
Now we split up again.There's six of us heading to Hindscarth,I'm the only male.

Dropping down to Hindscarth Edge the clouds part for a view back down to Buttermere.
No matter how many times it happens that the clouds part to give a view,it's always a joy to see.

Now we proceed along towards Hindscarth.
Approaching the summit of Hindscarth we're overtaken by a group of five or six men we'd seen earlier.There's quite a bit of jocularity as they pass.The ladies love it.

A group photo on the summit of Hindscarth.

Now below the clouds the views are beautiful.

A short drop below the summit of Hindscarth we stopped for lunch.
From here we could see our route down and over to Derwent Water and Keswick.

After lunch we continue our descent at a steady pace.
As with the path down Haystacks,here there are a few rocky places we need to take great care climbing down.

The male ravens are performing their aerobatics as I try to photograph them.When I do start filming it's obviously a female as there is no tumbles on this flight.Not a good film anyway.
Below us a flock of Herdwick make a single file line as they begin a trek upwards.

Scoop gets more photographs than I do today.
204 to my 178.The views are just so irresistible that you feel you need to take them.

I've no idea what's going on in the above picture.

We're now down below High Crags and behind us Hindscarth and Robinson stand proud.

Now we're down to Scope End and we can see Dalehead is clear of cloud for the moment.

Another sit down before the last bit of descent.

Over at Rigg Beck the new rounded end house must be nearly complete.I'll take a closer look at that tomorrow.We're nearly down now.

As we approached Low Snab Farm we though we were looking at a dead cow,it was so flat and laid out.
I got a fright as I walked behind it and a head came up.Scared the life out of me.

Another permissive path through Low Snab Farm now.There's a rare looking fowl amongst these chickens.
I think the lamb thought I was it's mother.

A rare harrow ? A Lister were making harrows in the 1940's

We take a look at Newlands Church.I like the inscription on this grave.It simply states "Eternal Gift of Springtime"

It's a half hour walk via Littletown back to the Chalet.We'll have walked eight and a half miles today.

Behind us the clouds are again descending.
It's been another fabulous walk.


  1. Lovely pictures, Jim. Wish I'd been there. I love the lakes.

  2. Very busy Russell even for this time of year.Way too busy in the summer.


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