Saturday 9 April 2011

The Palnure Burn-The Gorge

It's Saturday the 9th of April and today I've decided not to walk with my rambling group.

I mentioned a few posts back I was suffering from a painful calf muscle.It's on the mend,but since I'm due to go down to the Lake district with the group this coming Monday I thought I'd give it this last couple of days to heal.
Instead today I'm posting a short stroll I had the other day.

I'm down at the Palnure where I encounter the Galloway Fisheries Trust chainsawing and clearing paths to the fishing pegs in preparation for the summer anglers.
No doubt new signs will be going up in the next few days.
I only visited one particular fishing peg which was 'The Gorge'.
If I get the chance during the summer I'll feature each peg on the burn.
Below is the area covered by the following photos and video clip.

I haven't fished for years,but this would be a challenge.
Lovely day.


  1. Awesome pictures Jim! I hope your leg heals quickly. With the incredible amount of walking you do, I'm not surprised your calf hurts!!! :-)

  2. Damn! You,ve beat me to the first primrose photo Jim! :0)
    Looks a nice area.Hope the legs are now fine for the lakes.

  3. Thanks guys,the leg, although still sore is well on the mend.
    There's some blooming wild stuff about now Bob.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.