Monday 18 April 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Meikle Galdenoch to Dally Bay April 2011

It's Sunday the 17th of April.
Today's walk is a repeat of one we did in 2009.Although basically the same walk,there are a few variations.
Here's the link to that walk. 2009 Walk
I'll let the pictures do the talking on this post.

We're a group of thirteen as we set off from the ruined Meikle Galdenoch castle and past Loch More with it's little barbecue hut on the way to the shore.

A couple of open fields gets us to the coastline.A herd of fallow deer are spotted in a neighbouring field.

We're subjected to a lot of gates and barbed wire fences today.Farmer shorty (above right) is only missing a long straw to chew on.

We saw a great variety of  birds and animals today.At least two trips of wild goats are along this stretch.They have no problems finding a path.

The Galdenoch burn has a fairly copious flow today,but the obstacle is surmounted without serious incident.

There are quite a few cameras clicking today.Two other walkers are as keen as I am and take lots of photos and video today.Wild flowers are in beautiful blossom today.

The odd clouds are dispersing as we continue heading north.
Dramatic rocky headlands and inlets are the norm here.We head on past Drumahowen and Slouchnawen bays.

Time for a group photograph.

More obstacles are crossed.

Someone's spotted an adder.Only it's tail is visible when I get to it.

More wild flowers including marsh marigold and almost budding wild orchids.

As well as countless sea-birds today a Peregrine Falcon was also spotted.

Now we're passing the wonderfully titled 'Kiln of the Fuffock'.
No one has spotted any underwater marine life today.

A frog hopes to avoid being stepped on.

We're round about the Juniper and Mare rocks as we stop for lunch.
Seventy three year old Spike, ( going on twenty eight ) goes walkabout as usual.

Primroses are in bloom everywhere.The old iron gate hinges may be older than the oldest of today's walker.
The north channel is busy as usual.

Rocky prominences are compared to faces.Looked at sideways,top left above has a long nose and a jutting chin.Top right bears a resemblance to an absent walker's proboscis.
Above bottom is clay pigeon shooting apparatus.
Take note River Idler owner,here's one of your bump buoys.
Above top right is where I may have spotted an otter,but too late to photograph.

Views today are far across the North channel.
Ireland,Ailsa and Arran seem close while the Paps of Jura can be seen looming over the lower Mull of Kintyre.

We cross Orbain Hill keeping bully at a safe distance.He's been standing completely still since we first spotted him.Some walkers thought he was a cardboard cut-out.
The former shipping beacon,the Ebbstone also know as Craig Laggan is top right.

More rocky but colourful obstacles are crossed.

Oh to be an oyster catcher over this rock.An inquisitive dalmatian accompanies a group of walkers coming towards us.

The last coastal stretch takes us over a quaint bridge on the Dally Burn.

A short walk inland gets us to the waiting cars.
A few of us have to wait till our lift arrives back from the walk start.
It's been great weather for a great walk.

N.B Five days in the Lake District follows.


  1. As usual a top class blog. I now keep a dictionary beside me as I read because due to my lack of education at an earlier age I have to look up the meaning of several words which have been used in the text.Has Karl now joined the group?It was nice to see he is still enjoying the walks.See you soon

  2. Hi Gordon,you can't kid me about your education,I know it was an approved one.
    And yes we have another new member.


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