Sunday 15 May 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Shalloch on Minnoch-May 2011

Three and a bit years ago,I failed in my attempt to climb Shalloch on Minnoch with the Ramblers.
March 2008 Crocked

Apart from the occasional wander around the foothills,I haven't had any attempts since.I'll be up today

In the above picture we're heading towards Kirriereoch and Shalloch on Minnoch.
That's as far as we got,we weren't starting the climb from here.Our walk leader arrived back with one car driver after having left one car at the walk finish.

I've again written the press release for this walk so I'll just copy and paste that below.
Climbing Shalloch Hill

Can someone tell me what the lines are ?

Atop Shalloch Hill

Caerloch Dhu and the Pottans

Loch Riecawr and a glimpse of Loch Doon

Reaching Shalloch on Minnoch Trig Point

No views at the moment !

Lunchtime-it wasn't supposed to be a liquid one !

The Higher Summit View

Loch Enoch in the middle.
The Merrick and Kirriereoch under the clouds.

Lochs Macaterick,Riecawr and Doon

Nick of Carclach

Nick of Carclach View

Tarfessock and beyond

Cross Burn wet descent

Cross Burn Lower and View:-Brighter

Back up the Cross Burn

Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report

14th May 2011

A cold damp and blustery morning saw twelve intrepid walkers gather at the Kirriereoch car park for todays walk.Two new walkers were welcomed to the group.

After leaving two cars behind they now travelled up the Straiton road a further six miles for the start of the walk.A few miles north of Waterhead on Minnoch they parked up in a disused quarry cutting and began to climb.

The going was typical rugged Galloway Hills terrain.Tussocks, heather and bog meant that progress was steady as they crossed their first obstacle,the Pilnyark Burn.

Eventually they reached their first objective Shalloch.From here they could see Ailsa Craig to the west and to the north Cornish Loch and Loch Bradan.A number of small lochans were skirted around.

As they continued climbing the going became a little easier.Blaeberry and Bog Cotton were prolific.Bog Cotton - or Cotton grass used to be used in the past for making candle wicks and also for stuffing pillows. It was also used in wound dressings during the first world war.Nowadays it's considered commercially unviable for harvesting.

Now they were cimbing southeasterly on the slopes between Caerloch Dhu and the Pottans.Below them the Rig of the Shalloch was prominent.Cloud cover obscured all the summits of the 'Awful Hand' range.Arran and Ayr could be seen to the north and west.

Upon reaching the trig point (768) and stone shelter on Shalloch on Minnoch,optimism that the weather was going to improve was soon dashed as the wind and rain increased.A cold and damp lunch break followed.Despite the conditions,lots of light hearted banter bolstered morale.

After lunch they now moved east to the highest point on the Corbett and the highest point in mainland Ayrshire. (The Isle of Arran is managed by North Ayrshire Unitary Authority so technically Goat Fell summit is it's highest point).

At 775 metres high and above the rocky crag known as Maidens Bed the views when the clouds occasionally cleared were spectacular.Below to the north east were Lochs Macaterick,Riecawr and Doon,east standing tall was Corserine and to the south Loch Enoch.
Tunskeen bothy far below, restored in 1965 saw the MBA (Mountain Bothies Association) being formed.

Now the group made their way to Tarfessock via the Nick of Carclach.The drop in height took them below the clouds and afforded more views of the surrounding rugged countryside.
Lochans and rocky outcrops were passed until they came in sight of the steep slopes of Balminnoch Brae leading up to Kirriereoch.It was time to begin the descent.

The descent followed the course of the Cross Burn.For a while the weather worsened and wind and driving rain were endured.
Stumps are all that remain at the site of the now demolished Cross Burn bothy.Remembered by a few of today's walkers it was wigwam shaped.

As the weather cleared and the sun began giving occasional glimpses, the exit to the forest road was inadvertantly missed.The group continued the descent to where the confluence of the Cross and Kirshinnoch Burns become the Kirriemore Burn.

An unsuccessful but entertaining attempt to find a way through the forest resulted in a short retrace of steps back up the Cross Burn to the Pillow Burn and the forest road.

Drivers were now taken back to the vehicles while the remainder enjoyed the saunter down the forest road to await their respective lifts.A wonderful walk despite the weather.

The next walk, on the 21st of May will be a 'Woods and Hills in the National Scenic Area' circular B grade walk of 8.5 miles. 

Meet at the Breastworks, Stranraer at 9.00am,the Riverside car park Newton Stewart at 9.30am for car sharing, or at the walk start at Anwoth New Kirk (NX 582 559 ( N.B misprint in programme has NX 582 599) ) at 10.00am

New members are always welcome, for more information or if going to the walk start, contact the walk leader on 01776 840226


  1. Another excellent blog Jim. Good crowd considering the weather and the difficulty of the walk.Well done.

  2. simply dropping by to say hello


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