Wednesday 20 July 2011

Rocks of Garheugh-Luce Bay

Wednesday the 20th of July.
Today I went out with the purpose of looking around the Three Lochs area towards Glenluce.
After 5 minutes out of the car and being nearly eaten alive I abandoned that idea and headed down the Port William Road.
Much of the road stays close to the shore beyond Auchenmalg,but there's one point where the road rises above a rocky area.This is known as the Rocks of Garheugh and I've been meaning to walk around here for some time.
Once out of the car I'm not bothered by flies or midgies,but what's just landed on my car ?

An idiot in a fast car blew his horn as I was down taking this picture. *$X""$*& is what I think

There's a fair few wild flowers around and I've been able to put names to a few of them.
It's quite stony and overgrown in places so I was taking my time.


Cormorant or Shag
I don't know if they've been nesting round here but quite a few flew by during my visit.

Meadow or Bloody Cranesbill ?

Here's one of a few souvenir stones I collected.

Rock pools everywhere.

My 10 second delay is no longer playing up.

The tides have created some wonderful flowing shapes.

Sea Arrow Grass

Sea Sandwort

There's a few flowers and grasses I can't identify.Update 22nd July...Meadowsweet.
I'll update my posts if and when someone tells me.

Another question-mark.
Update 22nd July.My knowledgeable friend tells me this is Valerian

There's quite a number of caves around these rocks.
I didn't explore them all,but there's was no treasure in the ones I looked in.

I don't think many people venture round here,there's no recognised path.

Very colourful.Update 22nd July...Ladies Bedstraw and Wild Thyme.

Sea Mammal Skeleton ?

To me this looked initially like a broch,but I wonder.Has it been built to stop the big rock from tumbling and bringing the road above it down ?Inside does look like a shelter though.

Meadow or Bloody Cranesbill ?

Well built wall.
After a bite to eat I went down to the shore.

The tide was coming in.
It was only after I'd uploaded this picture I noticed my reflection twice.

The incoming tide pushing under the rocks was pushing air up through small holes into the rock pools making intricate bubble patterns of different sizes.
Below is video clip of some of them.

A really interesting place.


  1. wonderful series of photographs, I enjoyed each and every one!

  2. The idea of you lying down at the edge of the road taking a picture of a wild flower with a car blowing his horn at you, whatever must the driver been thinking about?

  3. nice shots. makes me wanna jump into the pictures and be there.

  4. The power of water is amazing, just looking at the shapes the tides have created.

    Nice pictures!

  5. Thank you lovely people.

    Love your latest post Tammie,you take the most exquisite pictures.

    Aye Gordon,I might have been lying 'deid' and all he could do was blast his horn.

    Thanks for visiting Aguilar,been looking at a few of your posts and although you may be a little too intellectual for me I like your 'self portrait'.I did once follow a Texan Blogger,but she's disappeared so I'll follow you.

    Terve Maria,I agree about the power of water,recent tragic events in Japan prove that.I was going to give a Finnish greeting for 'happy camping' and the translator came up with 'iloinen leiriytyƤ' but reversing it returns as 'genial camp' so I'll abandon that idea.

  6. I think you might be appearing 3 times reflected in those stones Jim - not as many times as in the bubbles I would imagine.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.