Monday 18 July 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Ardwell to Logan Botanical Gardens July 2011

A walk in the South Rhins today.
This is usually our barbecue day but circumstances are against us.
Nonetheless a couple of our ramblers from the South Rhins have made arrangements for us to get into Logan Botanical Gardens to use their cafe.

I've used the press report.

Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report.
Saturday the 16th of July 2011.

A sunny morning saw fifteen ramblers gathered at the walk start at the Chapel Rossan Bay car park.The weather forecast was for heavy showers but the group were cheerfully optimistic they'd avoid some of them.
A short road walk south on the main Drummore road brought them to the track opposite Auchness.

Auchness Castle is a 16th Century Tower house.Three storeys high it was a MacDouall family stronghold.Still occupied,it was converted into a farmhouse in the 19th century. A fresh coat of  whitewash made it a picturesque view in the sunshine.

From here a  track took them down to Killingeane.Here they could see the renovation of a one time church.Built in the 19th century; dedicated to St Agnes; it was originally an Episcopal chapel to Logan House.

Growing profusely along the roadside was Himalayan Balsam.Beautiful flowers but an invasive species as prolific as Japanese Knotweed.

Someone said this was a type of Teasel,but I can't find any Teasel like this.Anyone any ideas ?

The track westward took them now to Logan Mills on Luce Bay.
A custom built small creature and bug palace was admired.Made from air bricks,small ceramic pipes and wooden pallets,it looked a work of art.

A short detour was taken for a closer view of Logan Windmill.
Built in the late 17th century and used for grinding corn it's in amazingly good condition considering it was built of whinstone rubble and boulders from the beach.

Now the group took to the stony beach and headed south.

Sea Sandwort

Someone's been busy 

After rounding Balgowan Point they reached the caravan park at New England Bay.

From here they headed west along a minor tarmac road going towards Port Logan.After a few hundred yards they turned north along Killumpha Drive.Dotted along here were a few small derelict buildings,remnants from the world war two airfield of Low Eldrig.

At Drumhill a rockery ablaze with colour was admired.

Across the road sitting atop fenceposts were Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men fashioned out of wood and flower pots.

Reaching the B7065 another short stretch of tarmac north brought them to the track to Logan Gardens.
Passing palm trees and more Himalayan Balsam they soon reached the entrance to Logan Botanical Gardens.

From here they made their way to the Potting Shed Bistro where lunch would be taken.
Up until now the expected rain showers had failed to materialise and the group claimed three picnic tables overlooking the lily pond.

This Water Lily Flower needs no photographic enhancements

With such delightful fare on the menu all the walkers purchased their food and drink from the bistro.In such beautiful surroundings lunch was taken at a leisurely pace.
All good things must come to a finish though and reluctantly the group again took to the road.

On the Ramblers Catwalk 
(Eat your heart out Julia Bradbury)

Passing a particularly wide beech tree,it took five ramblers with outstretched hands to encircle it's girth.

After retracing their way back to where they entered the gardens,they now took the track through the Curling Pond Plantation towards Logan Mains Farm.
A row of empty old cottages was passed with one local rambler remembering them being occupied

After reaching the farm the tarmac road back to the Drummore road was taken.Cows with young calves and a different view of Auchness Castle were seen along this stretch.

After reaching the main road they were soon back at a very busy Chapel Rossan Bay.Water sports enthusiasts were making the best of the still wonderful weather.
The sky,the sea,the wild flowers,lunch at Logan Gardens and the company made this a very enjoyable walk.
The next walk, on Saturday the 23rd of July will be a new walk of 5.5 miles, 'Wood of Cree to Newton Stewart' 

Meet at the Riverside car park Newton Stewart at 9.30 am,the Breastworks, Stranraer at 9.00 am for car sharing, or at the walk start at the RSPB Barclye Car Park (NX 386 696) at 10.00am.

New members are always welcome, for more information or if going to the walk start, contact the walk leader on 01988 840268 



  1. Great post Jim.
    We will need to join a ramblers club up here for different conversation.Used to be in one when we first started out.Indian balsam covers nearly every river system around here.Nice flowers but smoothers everything else on the riverbank.Dont remember ever seeing it 15 years ago.

  2. Hi Bob,the thing about the ramblers is the diversity of walks and the 'Craic',it's all good fun.
    Talking about invasive species,a while back a couple of days after a walk I noticed a blister on my arm turning bad.It was only later while looking through my pictures I noticed we'd passed some Giant Hogweed.It's blooming deadly isn't it ? We often walk through big house estates and they're escaping by climbing walls.

  3. Sorry to hear the barbeque did not happen this year it only takes a couple of adventurous ramblers to organise it. Looked like another beautiful day to walk the South Rhins.

  4. A nice post of a great walk again! Very beautiful pictures.

  5. The Bistro kinda made up for the barbecue Gordon.Maybe next year it'll get reinstated.

    Hi Maria,thanks for your visit,I hope you're having a good summer in Finland

  6. I usually try to get down to the Rhinns once a year Jim so hopefully will make it in the next month or two. exactly would Bob and I go about walking with such a bevvy of beautiful women well ? Short of us both having two face transplants that is :)

  7. Hi Alex,we certainly have our share of lovely ladies but there's very few oil paintings amongst the men,apart from some similarities to maybe Picasso Cubism style.

    Anyhow up there in the metropolis you've a fair smattering of clubs.I did a Google search for Rambling Clubs Strathclyde and came up with plenty.
    Most clubs allow up to four walks before they require you to join.
    Take a look at Ramblers dot org as well.
    Happy hiking.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.