Wednesday 31 August 2011

My round trip August 2011-part 4-A glimpse of Cornwall

As I said in the previous post I did get to have a look around part of Cornwall albeit a short one.
The first few pictures were taken in the quaint village of Blisland and the remainder in the popular coastal village of Mevagissey.

Horses near Bodmin Moor

The Glebe blog at 'The Glebe'


In the church in Blisland is this picture of Jesus Christ.
His eyes can be open or closed.....

....the pub

On to Mevagissey and it rained.Lot's of people around

Am I putting on weight again ?

It's a beautiful spot,but just oh so many people.
The rain stopped and we got a walk along the coast

Chapel Point
Chapel Point is an isolated rocky spit of land reaching out into the Atlantic - a spectacular setting for a small group of houses. 

Made from stone dug from the Point itself, they were built between 1933 and 1938 by John A Campbell. Chapel Point featured in Daphne Du Maurier's novel, The House on the Strand. It is also on the South West Coast Path and offers walkers far-reaching views of long cliffs broken only by golden sandy beaches.

I must be getting used to the isolation of South West Scotland,I'm much more comfortable out here walking where there's less people.

My fellow walking companions

On the way back

I try something different

I'll quote my youngest daughter here "Extreme Gardening"

After enjoying Cornwall I'm heading back to Cheltenham.See you on the next post.


  1. Jim, looks like I missed a blog or two! Cornwall has a very nice homestead type of feeling I think.. Extreme gardening! Wow, could almost make a reality show out of that one!

  2. Quaint wee pub and NO you're NOT putting on weight!

    Thanx for visiting my wee bloggy.

  3. Hi Jim
    Both Cornwall and Devon are great places for a holiday.Did some of the best bits of the D and C coastal path on my own in my twenties and loved it.Does get a bit busy though.
    Was down there much later on with a guy from my club who asked the very pretty barmaid " Is there any comfort here for a lonely Scotsman
    hundreds of miles from his home?"
    She replied,(pointing to a large male sitting in the next seat) with." Talk to my boyfriend.He might give you a hug outside."
    Alex might remember that.I think he was there as well that trip.

  4. The gardener wasn't a young man Michael.I wonder whether he's trying to claim the land down to the shore which seems to be the thing in coastal areas of England.Good luck to the old guy.

    Nice to see you Gillian,thanks for the compliment but the weigh scales tell a different story (Warning...anyone clicking on 'A Daft Scots Lass' be prepared for extreme enjoyment and despair)

    Love the story of the Cornishman and the hug Bob.He was probably a descendent of a tin miner.
    Having said that I read recently that the wealthy incomers are steadily changing the demographics of the county.At least you can still get a decent Cornish Pasty I can vouch for that.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.