Thursday 1 September 2011

My round trip August 2011-part 5-Cheltenham

I picked Saturday the 13th of August to leave Cornwall.Just how stupid is that ?
Here at home in South West Scotland when listening to the radio traffic reports,I think how can people take their cars on to the roads when they know they'll be joining ten and twenty mile queues of bumper to bumper traffic.I'll never fall into that trap ! HA

A reasonable drive through St Austell got me to the A30 to Exeter,the main dual carriageway out of Cornwall.
As I came down the ramp as far as I could see was two lanes of bumper to bumper traffic.I'd fallen into the trap.
As well as the A30,I also had hold ups on the M5 resulting in a 3 hour journey taking 7.
Aggggggghhhhhh!  It won't happen again,honest.

Anyway I eventually make it and get to Cheltenham.
I'm staying until Monday,so after getting my luggage up to my top floor flat close to the town centre,I find a prime car parking spot close by and that's where the car will stay till I leave.(Good car parking spots in Cheltenham are like gold dust)

I took no more pictures that day and dined with my other twin daughter that night in Wetherspoons.
Good value eh ! Wish we had one close by in South West Scotland.
Of course that would mean we'd have a Tesco's Extra and that would be the beginning of the end of Galloway's individuality.Forget I said it.

So Sunday the 14th see's me taking a good long walk around the town and suburbs.
I took lots of pictures,mostly of buildings but one or two other subjects as well.
There now follows 44 photographs with no description but an odd comment.I thought these would perhaps be of interest to my architect followers.(I have one who occasionally drops in)

This is the railway station

I love the dial up phone in this Merc

I spotted four owls altogether

Clever window designs for an Italian Restaurant

This was in a shopping arcade

Ask Italian of the photo with the engraved cooks and chefs shown earlier

Nice one Cyril Squirrel

Most intriguing 

Translation of Motto

This fella had a few people bedazzled with his mathematical patter

I'm chuffed with this shot

I'm not sure why CleVR wouldn't  make me a 360 degree,but the above panorama can be seen in full screen on Panogio here

A rose concludes my visit to Cheltenham
Thanks for the bacon butty Phil
Next stop North Lincolnshire

1 comment:

  1. Geezo I LOVE seeing th'm grey Scottish skies!

    Wit were ye daein peerin' in some plonker's mercedes? I'll gie ye a skelpit lug...

    Guid pix!


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