Tuesday 8 November 2011

Misty,Wispy and Forest Green

Tuesday the 7th of November 2011.
The mist never lifted all day.I took myself up to the forest for a walk round Glenamour and Wee Glenamour Lochs.
I found plenty to photograph.
I hope blog readers get as much enjoyment viewing them as I got taking them.


Little Glenamour

Last one below.


  1. Jim, this is really impressive photography! I am inspired! I love the misty theme.. Don't ever give up your Canon Powershot for an iPhone, the quality of the Canon is far better! I just use the iPhone as a suppliment to my photography..

  2. Awesome pictures, thanks for sharing them, Jim!

  3. oh yes, a wonderful strand of images! Each one is special in it's own way.

  4. Wowie!

    I feel like I was on the magical mystery tour.



  5. It's 2.30 am and I can't sleep.A cup of green tea will do the trick.
    Thanks for the advice Michael,but it is true that phone cameras are far superior to what the were 5 years ago...but then so are the latest cameras.I like the look of the Nikon D3100.It takes pictures with the most vivid colours.Maybe for Christmas.

    Thank for coming all the way from Montana and Maui Tammie and Lisa.I really enjoy your company.

  6. I may have inadvertently deleted a comment from this post.
    I apologise if it's yours,I must have clicked the dustbin in error.

  7. these photos look even better on your blog. i think you should treat yourself with a new camera but don't wait for christmas. i've got some good birdies in the garden for you to photograph or film at christmas.

  8. nice colors!! love those cobweb shots.

  9. We are so lucky to live in a place that is always beautiful even on the gloomy days. Your photos are wonderful Jim x

  10. Looking forward to seeing your birds Sez.
    I too loved the webs Aguilar,but I only saw one occupied and the spider skedaddled as I got close.
    Thanks Jayne,yes we are really lucky, your seasonal pictures of Loch Trool prove the point.Might see you before the year's out.

  11. You've got some great pictures in there - definately capturing the misty and generally soggy day.
    I'm sure once you looked at the results you'd have been quite glad it wasn't glorious sunshine.

  12. Thanks Sandy ,and Maria for some reason Blogger had put your comment into the spam folder, I just lockily found it. Thank you.

  13. Lockily ? should be luckily of course.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.