Sunday 13 November 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers Torrs Warren to Sandhead November 2011

It's Saturday the 12th of November.
Todays walk is a woods and beach walk of eight miles from Torrs Warren to Sandhead.
I'll be writing the press report for this walk so it'll be below as per usual.
Sixteen walkers today and it's nice and sunny.
There  were lots of pictures taken so rather than duplicate similar ones I'll just pick what i think's appropriate.
Some of the collages are from my fellow happy snapper, Scoop.

 It was a nice big moon I awoke to.

 Torrs Warren Plantation.

Dune,Desert Planet,Arrakis, Muad'Dib,Bene Gesserit.

Ringdoo Point

Luce Sands

Spike and the Oyster Catchers.
(Doesn't that sound like a great name for a pop group, if anyone does adopt it don't forget me !)

Looking over to Stairhaven,Military,Balloon and mystic writing in the sand.

Jelly and another fish

Quack Quack it's party time.

Clayshant Control Tower.

A sad sight.

Fun,games and wet feet.

Target Practice.

It didn't seem too cold though.

This was after everybody had put their footwear back on.

The women's institute ?

She just can't resist a set of wheels.

Last Stretch

Saturday the 12th of November 2011.
Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report.
On a sunny November morning,16 ramblers gathered at the Bareagle Car Park,Torrs Warren for the walk.
The first part of the walk took them east through the plantation.Pleasantries were exchanged with an elderly dog walker and a horse rider enjoying the bridle path through here.
After a couple of kilometres a right turn led to the edge of the forest and grassy dunes.A left turn along an undulating sandy path led to Ringdoo Point. The plantation helps to stabilise the dune system at the back of Luce Bay - the dunes themselves are part of the military range.

Upon reaching Ringdoo Point a few moment were taken to absorb the scenery.Luce Bay was bathed in magnificent sunshine, landmarks over on the Machars were identified and pointed out.
Now began a long beach walk along Luce Sands.
Luce Sands is one of the largest beach complexes in Scotland and easily the largest in Galloway.The beach stretches for approximately 11km from the  mouth of the Water of Luce in the east, to the village of Sandhead in the west.The ramblers will walk 9 of those 11 kilometres.
Passing the dunes area knows as the Devil's Meal Chest,the target of Sandhead to the South West looked small in the distance.To the south the Mull of Galloway could be seen.
Remanant's of military manouvres could be seen amongst the dunes,while out in the bay target bases for bombing practice stood prominent.
During the walk a variety of sea and shore birds were spotted.Amongst those identified were Oyster Catchers,Curlews,Golden Plovers and rarely seen in Scotland a Little Egret.A number of very large jellyfish were beached.A small grey seal lay dead it's head damaged either by having been hit with a boat's outboard engine or from birds pecking.
Amongst the tidal refuse, numerous balls,plastic ducks,glittery shoes,balloons promoting Tintin and crab apples were seen.
Nearing the halfway point of the Clayshant Control tower ,a lunch break was taken.

After lunch the high tide started the fun part of the walk.
Walkers had to decide whether to walk with boots and socks off,or try to avoid the areas where the water swirled in.Those who decided to divest themselves of their footwear probably came out best.
Back on dry land the walk leader provided towels for those in need and boots and socks were again donned.
Unfortunately for some this was a little premature as another burn needed crossing.
Soon however they were approaching Sandhead and found solid ground by walking through Carisbrooke Caravan Park.
Arriving in Sandhead the sun was disappearing behind gathering clouds, but tea coffee and cakes at the Woodlea tearoom ensured the brightness remained.A fitting end to a wonderful day's walking.

The next walk on Saturday the 19th of November is an 8mile walk section of the Ayrshire Coastal Path.Meet for car sharing at Breastworks, Stranraer 9.30am, Riverside , Newton Stewart 9.00am or Woodland Farm Shop (NX174951) at 10am. For further details or if going to the start please phone walk leader 01776 840636. New members are always welcome


  1. An excellent coastal walk. Paddling appeared to cause a bit of fun. See you next weekend.

  2. It's a beautiful place to visit..
    I may (or may not) have mentioned before I used to spend a lot of time in the 1980's visiting my then girlfriends mothers pub in New Luce... a lovely place.

  3. Great photos Jim.I noticed the moon was really big and low in the sky.
    As It so happens Dune And Dune Messiah have been sitting in my bookcase for the last 30 years.
    Cracking books.The film should have been much better than it was

  4. Dang, I was enjoying the pics till the dead seal/otter, couldnt tell, showed up.


    So sad.

    My word verification is screw. Trying to tell me something?


  5. Watching some of your You Tube vids.

  6. Hope the weather's as good for Ayrshire on Saturday Gordon.
    Thanks Andrew,just trying to remember how many pubs there are in New Luce...oh yes,that many.But you're right it's beautiful.
    I wondered if a Frank Herbert fan would respond Bob."It is the legend".
    I got a boxed set of the american mini series one Christmas.I seem to have lost it somehow, but it wasn't bad.
    Sorry Lisa but I couldn't really leave it out.That's life.Screw eh ,,hmm.
    Thanks for visiting South Africa.
    Maybe I'll put S.A on my 2013 itinerary.

  7. Beautiful. I love the picture of you all walking across the sands with your shadows stretching inland across the sand-ripples' shadows.

  8. You have got to be kidding! Your comment about me giving up sex for a year...are you on CRACK?

    Just saying...

    Maybe you haven't read me that long....I went a frigging s e xless YEAR till I met mr. Realtor...

    Love ya!

  9. Thanks for your lovely comments Scarletti and Lisa.
    Maybe you should wear you grass skirt more often then Lisa.Good luck xx


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.