Friday 20 January 2012

Resurrected Fuji S7000, Walk Recce and Picasa Effects

Been full of cold this week so I've been hibernating since last weeks walk with the ramblers. I did however manage a walk out yesterday, Thursday the 19th of January. I took my oldest camera, my Fuji S7000 with me. It was it's unreliability and repair costs that caused it to be shelved. Although It's still problematic, I've found with perseverance I can take half decent pictures with it.

Here are a few of the pictures I took. I've also been playing with some of Picasa's new features.
In the sequence that follows, the first picture is the untouched original, the second the Picasa effect.

Comic Book 

Invert Colours

Museum Matte

Pencil Sketch




I don't know  ?
They add a different slant to the photographs, I reckon they'd certainly be beneficial perhaps in a publication.
The last two do it for me.


  1. Great experiments with Picasa. Can make something ordinary (posterise)into something extraordinary!

  2. Happy (extremely belated) new year! You got some great effects there, especially like the pencil sketch one. Hope you're feeling better very soon. Im fed up this month, as I can't walk far lately. Seem to have done something to my bloomin knee grrr! So I shall just have to do my virtual walks here instead lol.

  3. wonderful to see what you have been seeing and enjoying taking photos of.
    When you say: full of cold, does that mean the weather or you are sick?

  4. Thanks Sandy, the pace that computer technology is moving all the kids of today will be CGI experts by the time they've grown up.

    Sorry to hear you've a crocked knee Ruthie, knees are delicate objects. I had to have a cartilage removed a number of years ago.Hope you recover soon.

    Sorry for the confusion Tammie. 'Full of cold' is a British expression for suffering runny noses, sore throats and mild 'flu' doses. So I was keeping warm and recovering.

  5. Like the pencil sketch effect.That might work on photo,s taken of OS maps as well?


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.