Sunday 15 January 2012

Wigtownshire Ramblers Whitefield Loch to Knock Fell January 2012

It's Saturday the 14th of January 2012.
Today's walk is an old favourite.The last time was in September 2010
2010 Walk

An alternative look at this walk is on my blogging pal from Ayr's pages here
Gordon and Anne's Blog
Thanks too to Gordon for some of the pictures I'm using today.
I'm the walk leader again so the walk report will follow the pictures.

This picture and others that feature myself show why I'm reluctant to publish my own image.

We reccied the walk on Wednesday and I've included a couple from then.

Like I said!

The mist lifted on Wednesday and the sun came out. It wont today.

A warning sign for those people who are allergic to wool.

Horses were the prevalent creature at Knock of Luce.

What a friendly bunch.

The remnants of St John's Chapel.

Gordon on his hands and knees at St John's Well.

Who's the best looking ?

Ascent and summit

Recce day

Summit pictures and Flush Bracket

Return leg and Geese

Walled Garden


Sensory Garden

Information Boards

Here's a good imitation of Tarzan.

Wigtownshire Ramblers
Walk Report
14th January 2012

A dry but dull morning saw nineteen ramblers meet up at the angler’s car park on Whitefield Loch.
The walk began easterly on the southern edge of the loch. The crannog known as Dorman’s Island was pointed out. Excavated in December 2008 a range of artefacts datable to the Roman Iron Age were recovered from the site.

Reaching the end of the wooded area around the loch, the route now took the farm track towards Machermore and the Knock of Luce.

A flock of geese were spotted in a field at Machermore. They were possibly semi domesticated as they were spotted waddling into a barn on the return leg.

Now into open countryside, gates and cattle grids became a regular feature. After passing Knock of Luce cottage and a water pumping station a road sign warned to ‘Beware of Lambs’. No small fierce woolly creatures were spotted!
Nearing Knock of Luce a variety of horses and ponies were spotted in the adjoining fields. They were soon curious enough to come and peer over the wall at this group of bipeds.

Passing through Knock of Luce, Dartmoor and other  ponies and small white ducks were admired.
Another grassy field was accessed through a very muddy gate entrance. Here a group of six or seven Gypsy Vanner horses came over to investigate. These extremely friendly creatures stayed a short while, but with no apples or goodies forthcoming they soon lost interest and galloped away.
Across a low drystone wall and a marshy area, the ruins of St John’s Chapel were explored. Covered over with a section of corrugated iron, St John’s Well was also identified. A discovery made in the well proved not to be of historic interest…it was a modern drinking mug!
After regaining access to the field of horses, the climb to the summit of Knock Fell began.
As height was gained a few of the surrounding lochs became visible. To the north were Barhapple and Denaglar, to the east Peat Loch and to the south were Castle and Mochrum.
Reaching the trig point and cairn the usually far reaching views were non existent today, only the rough outline of the South Rhins could be seen.
The lack of views and a cold wind shortened the stay on top. A descent to a sheltered rocky outcrop was followed by a lunch break.

After lunch the outward route was again followed back to Whitefield loch.
Now the forest road to the north of the loch led to Craigenveoch. Off the main track the ruins of the walled gardens of the former baronial mansion of Craigenveoch House were reached. After circling the ruins, the path now led to the loch shore and the sensory ' Woodland Garden ' provided by The National Schizophrenia Fellowship ( Scotland ).Here a short break was taken.
At the loch side an information board details the life cycle of the ‘Glass Eels’ found in the loch and of their long trip to their spawning grounds in the Sargasso Sea.

An exploration of the ruins of Craigenveoch House followed. An illustrated information board showed how the house had looked on completion. It was completely demolished in 1952.

Rhododendrons bushes, large Beech trees and Western Red Cedars lined the road back to the car park and the walk finish.
Tea and cakes at the County Golf Club ended a very pleasant day.

The next walk on Saturday the 21st of January is a C+  walk to Garlies Castle via Knockman Wood.
Meet for car sharing at the Breastworks, Stranraer 9.00am, Riverside , Newton Stewart 9.30am or the walk start at Knockman Wood Car Park (NX 409 674) at 10am. For further details or if going to the start please phone walk leader 01671 401222. New members are always welcome.


  1. Another wonderful post to read... Many thanks for sharing.

  2. You certainly were able to brighten up some of my rather dull photos. Thanks again for a super walk Jim.

  3. First snowdrop photos of 2012 I,ve seen Jim.You always seem to get a big turnout for your walks.Like the horse pictures as well.


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