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Sunday, 17 May 2015

Wigtownshire Ramblers Portpatrick Circular 16th of May 2015

Saturday the 16th of May 2015

Myself and the good lady Rose drove over to Portpatrick for the Wigtownshire Ramblers circular walk round the surrounding area.
On the way we were held up by a large herd of dairy cows as shown in the first picture.
The pictures are from both of us.
I'll let Shorty's report tell the story of the walk.
It follows the pictures.


Here's Shorty's Report

Wigtownshire Ramblers – Saturday 16 May 2015 – Portpatrick Circular

Nineteen ramblers assembled at the South car park in Portpatrick on a bright and sunny morning with a brisk wind blowing in off the sea.  The temperature felt more like mid-February than mid-May.  We set off up the steps to the south and headed along the cliffs towards Dunskey Castle.  A few seabirds wheeled about the cliffs but the number nesting seemed a lot less than in earlier years.  After a short pause to examine the ruins we continued south along the coast towards Knockinaam.  As we went we saw a lifeboat ploughing its way northwards through the choppy seas.  The spring flowers, especially in the various sheltered gullies, were magnificent.  Spring Squill, Bluebells, Primroses, Sea Pinks, Whins and Early Purple Orchids all contributed to the show.

When we reached Morroch Bay we turned away from the coast and climbed the field towards the well signposted “Hush Hush”, a rather disappointing brick and concrete building.  On the way up the hill we were assailed by a blustery shower which swept in from the sea.  A short pause ensued to don waterproofs and we continued to the road and turned northwards towards Portree Farm.  The shower didn’t last long and waterproofs were soon removed again as the sunshine and blue skies returned.

On reaching the old railway line at Portree we scrambled up below the bridge and followed the old track towards Lagganmore.  From there we followed the lane back to the main road which we crossed and took the Old Port Road towards Enoch Farm.  We turned off the road and took the new access road for the windfarm around Craig Hill.  A short diversion was necessary to avoid a field of cows with young calves but we soon reached the windfarm where we paused for lunch in the shelter of the control building and enjoyed the warm sunshine.

After lunch we followed the track around the turbines and the weather mast and back down to the road at Auchenree.  As we went we could see more showers sweeping in from the sea.  Waterproofs were donned again just in time for freezing rain blasting in on the gusty wind.  Luckily it was short lived and the sunshine returned by the time we reached the road.

A short walk down the road took us to the entrance to Dunskey Estate.  We turned off the road and followed a woodland track around McCubbins Hill.  Here we were accosted by an officious employee who apparently knew nothing of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code nor of his employers’ general permission for walkers to cross the Estate outwith the shooting season.  He blocked the track and we had no option but to return to the road and walk an additional uncomfortable half mile or so along this relatively busy route.  After that we entered the Estate via the main entrance and followed paths and tracks back to the golf course and down to the harbour.  Here we enjoyed excellent tea, coffee and cakes at the Beachcomber Café.

Next week’s event will be a leisurely 6 mile walk from Barclye to Minnigaff via the Lonesome Pine.  Meet at the Breastworks car park in Stranraer at 09:00 or the Riverside car Park in Newton Stewart at 09:30 to share transport.  The walk will start from the RSPB Barclye car park (NX 386 697) at 10:00.  New walkers are always welcome but please contact the walk leader on 01988 840268.


  1. This series of splendid landscapes make me think of the phrase "over hill and dale." What glorious cliffs covered with mosses and phlox! Are those wild purple Lupine? The moss-covered trees are fabulous. Hello to Rose!

    1. First of all Rose says a BIG hello Barb and nice to see you on here.
      She took a lot of the pictures in this post including the gorgeous one of the dairy cows on the road.
      The purple flowers are our early blooming wild orchids(Orchis mascula)

  2. Looks like you got a fine day for it Jim and a cracking walk to introduce Rose to the scenery down there. Cant beat the landscape around Portpatrick for variety. Hope your knee is holding up well. Nice report by Shorty.

    1. This walk seems a long time ago now Bob. I'm very tardy at answering comments. Hope alls well with you in the beautiful city of Glasgow.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.

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