An evening walk.
I took a little walk Tuesday evening, here's a few of the pictures I took.
Over on Blairmount, I can't identify this shy bird. Anyone ?
Well, thanks to Inky Marie, That Cat, Shorty, The Milkmaid and A Nother who have all told me that these are juvenile moorhens. I can't argue with any of these knowledgeable people.
(I wonder if anyone else like myself failed to spot the second chick in this picture)
Well, thanks to Inky Marie, That Cat, Shorty, The Milkmaid and A Nother who have all told me that these are juvenile moorhens. I can't argue with any of these knowledgeable people.
(I wonder if anyone else like myself failed to spot the second chick in this picture)
Sad news. I'd noticed in the morning there were only six cygnets. Back in the evening, there's still only six.
There are foxes around.
Cat on St Couan's Road
Magpie on pylon
The Challoch Burn
I've seen this scene above people's mantelpieces.
I love this picture.
I am reliably informed by the 'Milkmaid' that this is a herd of Montbéliarde
Her superior knowledge is unquestionable.
Sun going down on by Barnkirk Sub Station. A pleasant little outing.
It's Wednesday morning now and pouring rain.