It's Saturday the 14th of April.
I still have unresolved health issues.
I'm leading today's walk which is an easy one, therefore I should be OK.
Walk report at the bottom as usual.
Weather vane at Blairs
Cree estuary with Wigtown centre of picture
Barholm Coach House
Entering Creetown
Big dog (could be a Pharoah or an Ibizan hound, or maybe a mix of the two. I should have asked)
Sculpture at the Gem Rock Museum
Approaching Chain Bridge
Two from Scoop (A study in Wood and Stone)
Lunch Stop
Our oldest walker today is 80, but he still managed this drystane dyke
Top - watching a peacock at Crinan
Bottom - Clanary Farm
Rounding Blairs Hill (Scoop's pictures)
Beginning descent to Cuil
Minnigaff Hills view (sheep)
Minnigaff Hills view (not sheep ?)
Thanks again Scoop
Another of Scoops
This is a cracking picture
Cuil Farm
A large contingent of walkers went to the Cinnamon Cafe for an after walk get together.
A headache, sore throat and a general feeling of sickness sent me home.
Hot toddies, medicine and an early night for me.
I'm optimistic that this year will turn around from me being almost permanently ill.
Ramblers Report
Saturday the 14th of April
On a dry but cold morning of broken sunshine, 22 walkers gathered at the Cairnsmore Car park for the walk to Creetown.
The walk began by following the route of the old Portpatrick & Wigtownshire Joint Railway between Palnure and Creetown. This was converted to a walk and cycle path in 2000 and is a part of the National Cycle Route.
After passing through Cuil and Blairs woods, trees were replaced with a panoramic view of the Cree estuary emptying into Wigtown bay.
The path now crossed above Blair House and Spittal farms. With the late lambing season recently started, neighbouring fields were a mix of new born lambs and expectant ewes.
Beyond Spittal, the route now followed the road towards Creetown. This was followed for a few hundred yards to Lennies, before accessing the public footpath down through Barholm Mains. A pair of horses galloped in an adjoining field
A line of old large beech trees led to the 'Coach House' of Barholm Mains. These were the stables of Barholm House, a Robert Adam designed classical country house unfortunately destroyed by fire in the 1950's.
After a short walk through the woods, the Barholm bridge was crossed into Creetown. Bridge Street led to the Moneypool Burn and the steps up to the Gem Rock Museum. Rucksacks were now discarded for a variety of wonderful refreshments in the cafe.
Too soon and reluctantly the walk was resumed. The route now followed the Moneypool Burn to Chain Bridge. After a short road walk, the riverside path was accessed. Wood anemone, celandine, bluebells and other wild flowers and plants flourished.
Crossing Chain Bridge the group now took to the fields to cross the disused 'Paddy Line' on the Gatehouse to Creetown section. After following a line of old gnarled beech trees, a circle of large boulders made an excellent wind break for a lunch stop.
Following lunch, the concrete road up to Crinan was accessed. At Crinan a peacock was watched displaying it's colourful array.
Now concrete road became farm track and led to Clanary. After passing the time of day and discussing new born lambs with the good people at Clanary, the hill track was taken to round Blairs Hill. To the north east, the 'Door of Cairnsmore' was prominent.
Soon the forest at Kirroughtree and Newton Stewart became visible. Reaching the sheep pens above Cuil, a wonderful vista lay below. The Cree, the Machars and the Minnigaff hills were all in view. With the tide out, the Cree appeared as a small trickle in the confines of it's tidal banks. Neighbouring fields were again alive with the sounds of new born lambs.
At Cuil farm, banks of daffodils, cherry blossom other colourful flowers were a magnet for the photographers. The farmer, a recent award winner with the Blackface Sheep Breeders Association was met and thanked for his indulgence of the ramblers during lambing time.
From here it was a short distance to the car park and the end of the walk.
Next weeks walk is a section of the Ayrshire Coastal Path from Maidens to Dunure Castle.
Meet for car sharing at the Breastworks, Stranraer 9.00am,the Riverside, Newton Stewart 9.00am or the walk start at Maidens Car Park (NS 211 079) at 10am. For further details or if going to the start please phone walk leader 01776 840636. New members are always welcome