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Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Friday, 6 April 2012

After the snow

Happy Easter Everyone

6th 0f April 2012
I'll begin this post by thanking everyone for their 'Get Well Soon' messages, and to my subscribers, I will be catching up with your blogs in the near future.

I'm still awaiting a scan and treatment, but it'll be after Easter now I should think.
The painkillers are working, and I'm still able to do non strenuous walks.
I'll be back with the ramblers on their walk tomorrow.

We got the snow, there's still some atop the hills, but it soon cleared at lower level.

I took a walk up to the telephone mast yesterday.
A lamb from a Texel Cross and according to the farmer no more than a couple of hours old.

After the heatwave and the late winter storm, it looks like we are back to how early spring should be.

A split second in time, these blades were fairly spinning in the wind.

Newton Stewart
'Gateway to the Galloway Hills'

The meandering River Cree with Cairnsmore of Fleet beyond.

Riverside flowers

The river was busy with anglers

A glimpse of Machermore Castle
Machermore Castle Eventide Home was opened in 1954 as a care home for the elderly.
It was declared insolvent in 2010. I've no idea what, if anything, is happening to preserve it. It would be a shame to see it go to ruin.

Daffodil and Dave O'Dill (Lorry driver)

I started filming the local heron, but after seeing him/her tucking one leg up, i realized it was resting.

I thought I was seeing things when about a dozen birds started swooping over the river, but once a couple settled on the overhead wires I knew.............the swallows had arrived.
That's it for now.
Have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Garlieston-A Good Friday Nature Walk with WW2 remnants

In Galloway in South West Scotland the village of Garlieston is in the Machars,south of Wigtown.

During the second world war and still,Garlieston is known as the home of the Mulberry Harbour.
Mulberry Harbour

I had family visiting over the Easter weekend.
On Good Friday the 22nd of April 2011,we took a walk northwards from Garlieston.
Exploration was the name of the game.

In no particular order,photographs by myself,Marie,Sarah and Phil are presented below.
Enjoy as we did.

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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me