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Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Monday, 9 March 2015

A wet day round Penninghame pond way

Though it was a miserable day I needed to get out.
I thought I'd see frogs as it's more than a month since I first saw frog spawn.
Sadly, Penninghame pond area still has frog spawn.
I took lots of pictures anyway.
The video included is an interesting one.
I'll say no more, either enjoy the pictures or don't bother.

I was about to leave because the rain came on, but I noticed these chaffinches flying around a log pile.
It seems visitors have been keeping them fed with nuts, bird seed and bread.

This is a video compiled of 186 photographs taken in a high speed burst. Each image lasts one twelfth of a second.
The birds are mainly chaffinches at Penninghame Pond near Newton Stewart.
The musical clip is a section of Ragtime Annie played by Bill Wimberly & His Country Rhythm Boys in 1957.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

June Is Bustin' Out All Over

Here's a few pictures from my recent wanders around Newton Stewart.
Make sure you scroll to the last picture, it wasn't taken by me, but is rather special. 

In the Glebe garden.

A survivor of the lawnmower blades.

Blairmount Park wild flowers.

Just landed.

Decking, ducks and ducklings on Blairmount Pond.

This cob has a nesting mate and likes to chase the ducks.

A ducking !


I don't know whether the swan was trying to ape the duck here.

Just about to leave as the ducklings came over from the decking.

They're quickly learning that people walking round Blairmount pond might have some tasty snacks.

A climb up the hill. 
Cuckoo Flower



???????????? Roughly two inches long at the base of a tree. Looks like a cocoon perhaps.
Wood spider nursery maybe ?
My thanks to Tammie of Spirithelpers for solving the mystery.
It's a slime mould, Fuligo septica.
Also known as dog vomit or flowers of tan after it's occurrence on oak bark used for tanning leather. 

Power lines

Curious cows.

Salmon fishing on the river cree

and finally




to the world


Audrey Cass

Born to Sarah and Phil and weighing 7lb 11 oz, Audrey Cass is my newest granddaughter.
Thanks to Marie for this picture. She's about four days old here.
Well done Sarah and Phil.

Isn't she gorgeous.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Blairmount Pond July 2013

Early yesterday evening, Monday the 15th of July, I took a walk round Blairmount pond through Doonhill Woods just behind my house. Here's a few pictures I took.

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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me