Sunday the 26th of May
It's a Sunday walk today, we just got back from our six days in Ireland late last night (posts to follow)
It's a variation on a walk we've done a couple of times.
Today's leader is the 'Milkmaid' and her report will follow the pictures as usual.
It's a half decent weather forecast.
Knocktinkle Car Park starting point
The view west looks good
A short walk up the road before taking to the slopes to the east. A couple of commemorative stones in the dyke on the path to Loch Whinyeon.
There are nine of us today
Loch Whinyeon
Cairn on Craigtype
Cairn on the Fell of Laghead
I try out a ten second delay shot to get us all in
Descent to the Laurieston road and ascent to Green Lumps (what a great name for a range of small hills) and Castramont Hill
Lunchtime on Craig of the Fell
There's a kite flying around. The top picture above was taken by my fellow snapper Scoop, while I took the bottom one. I've lightened them to see the shades.
Lunch over.
Our leader gets us moving again.
I get in the picture again thanks to Scoop
Descending to the Little Water of Fleet valley
A.O'K spots this nest after a wee bird flies out from close to her feet.
It's a Meadow Pipit's nest
Crossing the Castramont burn
The field is no where near as muddy as last February
As we enter Carstramon Wood we're treated to the most amazing sight of bluebells.
We're not the only ones enjoying the spectacular colour, on our walk through the wood we pass a few other folk
It's not only the bluebells either. The above collage is just a few of the wild flowers we spotted
There's barely a patch in the woods that isn't blanketed with bluebells.
We thought we might have a shower of rain today, but the weather's just getting better
Leaving Carstramon we turn north east at Lagg Bridge for the last stretch
Knocktinkle's in view.....................
........................and the last couple of gates gets us there.
It's been a fabulous walk.
Now we're away for scones in the Galloway Lodge in Gatehouse.
The 'Milkmaid's' report will appear here when I get it.
Wigtownshire Ramblers Report 26/05/13
The previous week’s strenuous rambling holiday in Northern
Ireland caused a depleted number of 9 walkers to meet on Sunday in Knocktinkle
carpark, Gatehouse of Fleet. The 8 mile circular walk was to cover hills,
woodland and farm tracks. Setting off in bright sunshine, accompanied by those
ubiquitous sounds of spring, a cuckoo and bleating lambs, the road towards
Laghead Farm was followed.
Just before Laghead Bridge,
the anglers’ path across moorland, towards Loch Whinyeon, was taken. The lade
tunnel through the hill side and the sluice gate next to the loch were
inspected, part of the route by which water used to be brought to Gatehouse
After watching tadpoles in the shallow edges of the loch
behind the fishermans hut, and listening to a skylark, a steep but short climb
brought the group to the summit of Craigtype. Looking back, over the south
east, views were admired over Loch Whinyeon towards Bengray and the Glencap
The group headed downhill then back up again to reach the
highest point of the walk, the Fell of Laghead, at 292m. From here descending towards
the junction where a forest road meets the Lauriston Road the group crossed a
cattle grid and followed a path leading up the adjacent hillside.
Crossing the Green Lumps, towards Castramont Hill the group
paused to watch a red kite repeatedly ride the air currents, then drop
something before picking it up and starting again.
After Castramont Hill a rocky outcrop sheltered from the
wind and bathed in sunshine was deemed a worthy spot for lunch. From here,
Grobdale and Cairnsmore of Fleet with its summit in the clouds were seen.
The final hill reached was the dome shaped Craig of the Fell.
A descent was made towards gates and a ford crossing Castramont Burn. On the
way the group surprised a meadow pipit with a nest full of chicks which they
were careful not to disturb. A roe deer was seen.
The ford was crossed and Carstramon Woods reached. An endless
swathe of bluebells seen at their best carpeted the woodland floor and
delicately scented the surroundings. In places this scent was overpowered by
the more pungent wild garlic. Wood Anemone, stitchwort, dog’s mercury, and dog
violet were also flowering. Green veined white butterflies fluttered in sunny
glades. Some children were enjoying climbing through gnarled old coppiced beech
trees whilst their parents watched.
Leaving the woods and following the road the walkers soon
turned onto the track to Lagg Farm steading and Lagghead farm before crossing
some fields back to the cars. Tea and scones were enjoyed at Galloway Lodge in
Gatehouse of Fleet before heading home.
The next walk on Saturday 1st June is the 10 mile
A- grade Auchinleck circular,a hill walk taking in Drigmorn and Millfore.
Meet for car sharing at Breastworks, Stranraer 9.00am,
Riverside, Newton Stewart 9.30 am or the walk start at Auckinleck Bridge Car
Park (NX448 705) at 10am. New members and those going to the start of the walk
must phone walk leader 01671 401222.