Note to regular readers of 'The Glebe'
A number of factors have been responsible for the lack of posts and activity recently.
Changing circumstances, a knee problem, anniversaries and the recent death of my beloved brother have all contributed to the neglect.
Fear not though, the Glebe Blog will continue.
Circumstances also caused me to miss this most recent outing.
Once again the scheduled climb of Curleywee had to be postponed and an alternative was already in place. We have covered some of this area previously. 2013 Walk
My good friend Scoop has provided photographs and a walk report and It's my pleasure to post them here.
Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report 28 March
Auchencrosh – Glen App
Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report 28 March
Auchencrosh – Glen App
Fifteen walkers met near the beautiful church in Glen App to catch the bus as far as the crossroads at Auchencrosh from where they were to follow numerous tracks, some of which are included in the Stinchar Valley Trails. The hard road surface beside the power station became a softer one as it wound its way passed gnarled trees, their leaf stripped trunks and branches bent from many years of prevailing winds. Knockdolian peeped through in the distance, its summit crowned occasionally in what little sunshine appeared during the day. Jackets were discarded by some as the way became muddier and the day warmer but they were soon donned again for one of the sporadic light showers.
The route rose, taking the group onto more open ground, the view behind them, which included that of Ailsa Craig, admired, sheep retreating as the walkers advanced towards the Head of Glen App. Leaving the deteriorating muddy track which leads towards Lagafater, and heading across wetter ground, with Smyrton Hill to their left and Benawhirn on their right, they tried to avoid sinking into the moss covered area before reaching their next obstacles – a small burn and a dyke/fence combination! By now they were trying to plough their way through tall heather and descending more steeply but soon the track which would lead them down through the Head of Glen App appeared.
Now on solid ground, they proceeded to walk through this magical glen. Not seen by any of the group before, other than those who had done the recce, this was a great surprise and delight as they proceeded through woodland, the shapes and colours of the numerous varieties of trees delighting the keen photographers. The track wound downwards, to reach the Water of App beside which the perfect place was found to have lunch, the rain staying at bay.
The river meanders gently through this valley, widening and narrowing, the track beside it perfect for walkers. A couple of sections have had to have emergency repair for use of vehicles. As it rose high above the valley the surface become more solid and the group reached Carlock House. Skirting this, they took the track passed Carlock Cottage, crossed a narrow section of the river and entered farmland, walking parallel to the busy A77.
The Water of App had to be waded near Altimeg before a section of the old A77 was reached, a part of its bridge having tumbled over into the river. A few of the walkers could remember when this narrow road had meandered through and up the glen – it seems like the later version is also having problems with erosion owing to a number of landslides.
Water logged fields were crossed to pass by Dupin Farm from where a track through woodland was taken to reach Glen App church and the end of a very pleasant walk.
Sumptuous refreshments were provided for the group at the Merchant’s House in Cairnryan, a favourite after-walk destination of the Wigtownshire Ramblers.
Next week’s walk is a popular one around Newton Stewart, starting at Riverside car park at 10am. Those coming from the Stranraer area can meet for car sharing at the Breastworks at 9.15am. New walkers and those wanting further information should contact the walk leader on 01671 403351.