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Showing posts with label Machermore's Mill Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Machermore's Mill Stone. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Wigtownshire Ramblers Glasserton June 2013

I did the recce with the 'Stationmaster' on Monday the 10th. Tuesday until Thursday I was well out of it. No runny nose or cough, just a feeling of fatigue and aches and pains. Friday I began feeling a little better. I think it was one of those things that are classed as viral infections. 

Walk and Recce 15th June 2013
This is a walk that's becoming a regular outing.

Apparently it's been pouring down in Stranraer. Fourteen walkers are out today. The walk report will follow the images.
Walk start the historic Glasserton Church

Home farm doo'cot
(The lower image is the merging of images I took on an earlier visit. I saw no signs that the pigeons or doves were still using it)

One of several gates

Derelict house at Rouchan

Placid cows and one very angry bull

Gate to Carleton

Derelict cottage near Carleton House
(I bet the last stew in that pot tasted delicious)  

Climbing Carleton Fell with the Mull of Galloway behind

Cottongrass, sheep pen, drystone dyke

I should know what this is, I'm sure I've photographed it before.

Trigpoint ahead, flush bracket

(not everyone crossed the stile to visit)

The Machermore's Millstone

 Common Spotted Orchid

Lunch at Laggan Pond

Cup and Ring Marked Rock

I was telling some walkers about Roxy the Golden Eagle chick from 2010.

My 'In flight' pictures weren't all that good
Despite the name Roxy is a male
He was last seen around the Lake District

On the recce, we headed down to the shore. The next couple of collages are from the shoreline

It was certainly colourful

A cattle feeding spring ?

Track around Glasserton Fell


The site of Glasserton House

White Daffodils
We got lucky with the weather.

Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report 15th June 2013

A dry but windy morning greeted the 14 walkers assembled at Glasserton church car park. The forecast was for showers throughout the day.
Bluebells and Celandine flourished in the adjoining woodland. A farm track brought the group to Glasserton Mains cottages from where they headed north-west along the old drovers track.

Reaching a row of derelict cottages by the Row plantation a short stop was taken. On a previous walk the leader had learned through the internet the names of the occupants in 1684. Thanks to the censuses of 1841 and 1851 the leader now had more up to date information. It was interesting to note how some of the older children of 1841 now had children of their own in 1851.

Continuing on, another old cottage complete with an old fireplace was explored. As views to the north and the Fell of Barhullion opened up, an angry bull let the group know of his displeasure at their passing.

Reaching Craiglemine the route now changed direction to the south-west and Carleton. An adjoining field had a lone cockerel seeking refuge from the passing group.
Upon reaching Bessie Yon, another derelict house was explored. It contained a delightful old fireplace complete with pot hanger, pot, grate and oven. Although quite rusty, it gave a glimpse of a long since passed way of life.

Now an easterly route was taken over the rising undulating fells. Sheep and lambs warily stayed their distance.
Progress by the means of stiles and gates saw the group reach TP1918, the Triangulation Pillar on Carleton Fell. All round views included Wigtown Bay, Luce Bay, the Mull of Galloway and the Isle of Man.
Sticking to the high ground, they next made their way to the south western end of the fell where brightly coloured gorse flourished. Here there are physical features which include Fox Hunt, Needles Eye and Kirk of Drumatye. The feature that could be easily identified was carved into a rocky outcrop. At almost a metre wide it is the unfinished Machermore’s Millstone. A cold wind blew around the millstone so after photographs and a quick distribution of sweeties the walk resumed.
A fairly steep descent now brought the walkers to Laggan Pond where a lunch break was taken.
After lunch a short but stiff climb was made to reach the top of Laggan Camp the site of a large promontory fort. Terraces, ramparts and the entrance could still be identified.
Undulating fields now led east to rocky outcrops between Broad Lane Wood and the Fell of Carleton.
Here, on a rock looking like an upturned rowing boat were at least 15 cup and ring-marks. A discussion on the origins of this prehistoric art form prompted the comment “bored shepherds”. Perhaps true?

A few more undulations led to a farm track circling the Fell of Glasserton.
The route now took them inland to the crossroads of Claymoddie from where the estate road to Glasserton was accessed.

Reaching the site where Glasserton House stood the group learned a little of its history and were shown some old photographs gleaned from the internet. To the rear, the outlines of the lawned terraces, gave a good impression of how majestic it once was. Waterproofs were now donned as the predicted showers were imminent.

Now the group moved on to look at the 18th century Glasserton Home farm. A new roof and wall have been incorporated with some of the original structure to create a grain store. The surrounding cottages and a doo'cot also date back to the 18th century.
From here it was a short distance back to the car park and the end of a mostly dry and interesting walk.

Welcome refreshments were enjoyed at the Whithorn Trust Visitors Centre.

The next walk on Saturday the 22nd of June is a C+ walk from Ballantrae to Knockdolian and back followed by a barbecue on the shore. Meet for car sharing at the Breastworks, Stranraer 9.30am,the Riverside, Newton Stewart 9.00am or the walk start at the Ballantrae Shore Car Park (NX 082 825) at 10am. For further details or if going to the start please phone walk leader 01292 441268.  New members are always welcome 
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