I've been taking a few short walks this week.
Here's a few of the pictures I've taken.
Over on Blairmount Pond the cygnet's are doing fine.
The ducks get short shrift from the swan parents if they get too close.
A chaffinch poses for a picture.
Flowers bloom in the gardens by the memorial to Randolph,9th Earl of Galloway.
A young family by the riverside.
This one goes walkabout.
Liz Niven poetry
summer cree
river traffic buzzes
mayfly, dragonfly, dipper
ripple-arc surfaces
swallows water-pattern weave
Japanese Knotweed
kimonos the earth
spring cree
Galloway greens again
the river silvered with
white eggs, sharp scent of cucumber
sweet vernal grass
vanillas air
hope buds like catkins
The riverside.
A wren at the Wood of Cree.
The Otter Pool
(That looks like a heron at the far end)
A long zoom gets the picture.
Too late to photograph the otter that put in a fleeting appearance.
A quiet pool by the burn at the Wood of Cree car park.
Zoomed in and enhanced, the Cumbrian Mountains from Baldoon.
Another full zoom towards Workington and Whitehaven.
Yacht sails perhaps (they were moving around), strange how they appear to be floating above the shimmer.
Mochrum Loch.
The Old Place of Mochrum built in 1368.
Penningham Forest.
Loch Eldrig
Bumble bee on a thistle.
More of Loch Eldrig
A Common Blue butterfly.
A thrush in the forest.
Wednesday night's moon.