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Showing posts with label Physgill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physgill. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Coastal Recce April 2013

Thursday the 11th of April 2013
I've been out recceing the coastal walk I'll be doing in the Newton Stewart Walk Festival next month.
I'd have been out again today only I've picked up a twinge in my side.
I thought I'd upload a few pictures instead.
I've blogged this coastline many times so I'll be selective with the pictures.

Starting from St Medans and going south the first recce got me down to Laggan Camp below Carleton Fell.
Here then are the photos.
Seagulls at Callie's Port

Shags at Callie's Port

No luck from that dive !

Callie's Port/Cairndoon

A reflective rock

Primrose and Celandine

More Seagulls at Callie's Port

St Medan's Golf Course

Front Bay, St Medans. Carleton Fell. Snow Drifts at Knock

Second recce to St Ninians 
Physgill House and ruins at Glasserton Home Farm

After parking the car at Glasserton Church, I was making my way to the coast via the Home Farm when a thought of a detour crossed my mind. 
On the southern rocky slopes leading up to the Fell of  Carleton there's a feature on the Ordnance Survey map. I'd failed to find it in a previous search.
Ducks on pond by Broad Lane Wood

This looks promising for my search !

(Right click, 'Open link in new tab' for full screen picture) 
More Cup and Ring marks than you can shake a stick at. I'm chuffed I found it, I must try and include it in the Ramblers walk in June.

Back on the cliff tops, I'd seen this animal leaping around earlier. I slowed my pace to see if I could get closer to him


This was the closest. Aren't those horns brilliant. 

Travelling at the speed of light I just caught the tail end of this bunny

There are always birds of one kind or another

Choosing to ignore my passing, the cattle are quite placid today

My first ever picture of a Yellowhammer

Snowdrops and Fungi on the site where Glasserton House stood

A solitary Monkey Puzzle 
April showers for the weekend. I might get a dry day next week to complete my St Ninians to the Isle of Whithorn next week. 
My two favourite coastal areas of Galloway are this one and the North Rhins.
In Bernard Matthews turkey terms it's "Bootiful"

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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me