Over on Blairmount pond, the cygnets are still doing fine.
More ducks seem to be arriving on the pond.
I think the kids have got the message that it's wrong to throw stones at the birds.
Thursday the 26th of June.
After a really dreich day on Wednesday, Thursday looked better. I decided on a walk in the hills.
The Buchan Rooftops, Mulldonach and Loch Trool.
After parking up at Bruce's Stone, I decided I'd head up the Gairland burn and get to Loch Valley.
After parking up at Bruce's Stone, I decided I'd head up the Gairland burn and get to Loch Valley.
Loch Trool view.
It was quite cloudy and overcast. Quite a few of this post's landscape pictures have been enhanced by Picasa's 'I'm Feeling Lucky' feature.
Looking for the path through shoulder high bracken gave me the impression that few folk have been walking this way.
It was quite cloudy and overcast. Quite a few of this post's landscape pictures have been enhanced by Picasa's 'I'm Feeling Lucky' feature.
Looking for the path through shoulder high bracken gave me the impression that few folk have been walking this way.
As regular readers know I'm a sucker for wild orchids.
After the high bracken, the path in places became quite stony, muddy or boggy.
To the right was the western edge of the Rig of the Jarkness.
This Bog Asphodel looked quite stunning.
I couldn't resist more wild orchids.
I thought this one should be on it's own.
Wednesday's rain might have made the path occasionally boggy, but the Gairland burn was quite low.
I reached Loch Valley. The path, though still spongy became a little easier here.
My first glimpse of Loch Neldricken.
(a mistake I made was only fetching the 'Galloway Forest Park South' map. It only goes as far north as Loch Valley.
Marked on the correct OS map is the Murder Hole, a water feature on the western edge of the loch. It really doesn't exist here, it's correct location is at the Rowantree junction on the Straiton road. The author of 'The Raiders', Samuel Rutherford Crockett used Neldricken for it's location because it suited the book.
I stopped for lunch overlooking the loch.
Had it been a glorious sunny day I might have thought of wading over here.
As the clouds seemed to be gathering, after my lunch I began to retrace my steps.
This skylark posed nicely for me.
Contrary to my belief that the clouds were gathering this view of Benyellery and the Merrick showed them clearing. I decided on a climb up onto the Rig of the Jarkness.
It's a short but steep climb, but I was soon looking back towards Loch Neldricken...........
..................and south west to Loch Trool.
Below me were the long and round lochs of Glenhead.
The Gairland burn from atop the Rig of the Jarkness.
It was more difficult descending back to the Gairland than it was climbing.
I also took a few panoramas on my walk.
Slug Love, there was something going on here !
(a reminder:- to view pictures full screen, right click and 'Open in New Tab')
I finished drinking my coffee back at Bruce's Stone.
A hard frost in the ground might make the route easier. Continuing on to Loch Enoch and returning via the Buchan Ridge would then make an attractive walk. Ramblers walk ?