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Showing posts with label Rigg Bay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rigg Bay. Show all posts

Monday, 19 November 2012

Castle, Caves, Ceilidh and Curlews (and other delights)

Friday the 16th of November

My two youngest daughters (Sarah and Marie, affectionately known to their friends as Sez and Maz) are up from Cheltenham for a couple of days, and I'm taking them to visit the grounds of Culzean Castle.

It's a cold but dry day. I take them via Colmonell where we get this view of one of my favourite hills, Knockdolian.

We park at the visitors centre where a double decker load of art students from the Glasgow School of Art have just dismounted.  
We head down the steps to the shore via the old gasworks. A lone swan scavenges for food among the rocks.

The incoming tide means we can only get as far as the first of the caves.

These snails are congregated on one of the pillars shown in the first collage.

After a look at what was the gasworks, we climb the steps to the castle.

I get my photo taken. Which one is father time ?

The castle itself is closed for the winter season, but the girls are quite happy looking round the grounds.

Many of the art students have settled to sketch their subjects.

 The 'Battery' was completed in 1815 coinciding with the end of the Napoleonic wars. Sarah jumped the gun around 1315.

Much of Arran was under cloud, but Holy Island was nicely in view.

We headed over to the Swan Pond for our sandwiches. An alcove next to the refreshments kiosk kept us out of the bitterly cold wind.
We were treated to some nice flying displays from the birds.

This pied wagtail kept running back and forward along the wall. There's probably enough crumbs to keep him happy, swan pond visitors fetch plenty of bread.

I'd intended a run back home via the village of Barr, but the road was closed so instead I took the Knowe road at Barrhill to catch this view of  Loch Maberry
Back home we rested up before heading to Stranraer for a charity ceilidh at the Masonic Hall in Stranraer. There were quite a number of my walking friends from the Wigtownshire Ramblers in attendance, so a very enjoyable night was had by all. 

Saturday the 17th of November
We're heading for Garlieston today.

First stop was in Wigtown at the Martyr's Monument

After parking in Garlieston we take the shore path south. It's a quite cool, but absolutely beautiful day.
A Scallop Dredger, the Siarach III SY85 is tied up on the jetty.

We haven't gone far before we're treated to some of our winged friends. According to Sarah who knows quite a bit about birds today we saw among others Buzzards, Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Common Scoter, Curlew and a female Merlin. Some are photographed below.  

Spooky trees

A friendly robin

It's Molly again from last months walk

A good mix of decaying fungus

The first of quite a few Grey Herons seen today.

A bite to eat on Rigg Bay.
Regular readers of this blog will know I'm not against wind-farms if they are rightly thought out, but a proposal for 90 turbines a short way out in Wigtown Bay will seriously affect what we see here.
I'm supporting the Keep Wigtown Bay Natural campaign.

Here's another Grey Heron. Walking south we'd heard the odd distinctive Curlew call. Now we were hearing it more regularly.

I got lucky with the camera.

We take a walk through Galloway House Gardens.

Here's a nice profile! Name that bird?

This lichen has a long legged spider attached to it, but for some reason I could not get a good macro shot of it.

The photograph below isn't mine.
I am totally green with envy over this picture. Some people have said I have an eye for a picture, but I'm a total amateur besides Marie. I've seen some amazing shots on her Facebook page, and once again she's got the shot of the day. This is an absolutely beautiful picture,

Here's an interesting treetop and a couple of domesticated birds.

We thought that this was a female Merlin and well it might be, but could it be a young Hen Harrier ?

Here's a shy creature.......................

..............recognizable as a 'Sez' from behind.

A turnstone.

Again I was lucky with the camera to catch a Heron in flight.

I'm not sure how many Curlews we did see, but it was quite a few.

The tide has come well in while we walked. As we head back towards Garlieston  we see lots of Oystercatchers.

I take some video

Oyster Catchers and other birds just south of Garlieston in South West Scotland.
Filmed on Saturday the 17th of November 2012.
Background music courtesy of Moby and
is 'Division' from the album 'Wait For Me'

Now on the Garlieston Breakwater we spot this arrow and rivet !
Does this particular stone date back to the Mulberry Harbour days ? It certainly looks like a W.D arrow.
I'd love to know it's origins.

After leaving Garlieston we're heading west on the B7052 when Marie asks me to stop so that she can take a picture.
No photo trickery here. Isn't she good !
I'm glad she's going to start a blog. I'll subscribe.

It's Port William we're heading for...................
...............and the sunset.

The sea's a bit choppy and it's blowing a gale. This fishing boat persevered till sundown.

We'll stay till the sun goes down.

The Mull of Galloway is right in line with the setting sun.

I take some more video.
Filmed at Port William on Saturday the 17th of November 2012. I apologize for the poor quality, it was blowing a gale outside, and doesn't really reflect just how beautiful it was. I'm really uploading it for the nice accompanying music by Moby at . It's an unreleased piece called 'Open'

Thanks for visiting girls, we had a great time.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Garlieston to Cruggleton

I'm writing the press report for this weeks walk,so i'll also use it on my blog.
That will be in italics.I'll add any other info or trivia as i proceed.

Saturday 23rd of January 2010.

A clear and frosty morning saw the ramblers congregate at the car park in Garlieston.The original planned walk to Eggerness had to be postponed till a later date,due to a shooting event taking place.
The re-arranged route,heading south saw a good turnout of twenty five ramblers setting off around the harbour.
The plan was to walk to Cruggleton Castle then across country back to Garlieston.

There's still a lot of 'For Sale' signs in Garlieston.

Heading past the old anchor at Park cottage,the caravan parks over the bay at Auchenlarie and Sandgreen were prominent in the morning sun.A fair number of seabirds squawked loudly at the intrusion into their domain.

Next the group entered the Galloway House estate.The season was evident by the stark bareness of the trees.The snowdrops were just emerging.

On reaching Rigg Bay a short break was taken.No white horses and spray today,the sea state number would be zero,the bay looked like a millpond.The higher of the Cumbrian mountains were in cloud.Jelly babies were distributed by the walk leader.

Next they headed through Cruggleton woods and round Sliddery Point before reaching the restored Cruggleton Lodge holiday cottage on the edge of the estate.
Not sure what the prices would be,but with the luck of the weather this would be a fabulous spot for a holiday.Here's the link for any interested parties.
Galloway House

On reaching the remnants of the 13th century Cruggleton Castle,a break was taken for lunch.With clear views over to the Galloway hills,recognising and identifying the different peaks was a popular topic.A number of seabirds, waders and cliff nesting birds were spotted.
I've been here quite recently but the last time i was here with the ramblers was back in May 2008,
Isle of Whithorn to GarliestonWhere's the time going ,eh ?
I'm in the top left of the above collage.Thanks to Scoop for this contemplative selection.
Such a bright day with a scenic backdrop calls for a group photo.Scoop had memory card problems at this point.

After lunch the group headed west over fields and farm track to the restored Cruggleton Church.

An open gate didn't stop a number of ramblers from trying out the stone steps over the high surround wall.The group learned from the walk leader that an ecumenical service is held here once a year.
Thanks again to Scoop for the above collage.
More snowdrops were beginning to blossom.
Passing Cruggleton Farm,a sleet or snow shower was spotted over in the Galloway hills.

Next they headed north on the B7063 before reaching High Lodge,another restored 18th Century cottage on the Galloway House estate.
Now heading back into the estate,an old iron water pump took the interest of some of the ramblers.

The flooded area of a harvested field became the next point of interest.It provided the photographers in the group with an opportunity for amazingly clear reflections.
I liked this one.
Oops ! Looks like I've got it upside down.
Now after passing the ruins of Snowdrop Cottage,the group were on the path through the woods,over the Broughton Burn and passing the walled gardens of the estate.
A short break was taken at the car park and information point near the front of Galloway House.
A special breed of sheep,Soay or a similar breed,were grazing in an adjacent field.(Update 3rd of February 2010.The sheep are actually Castlemilk Moorit,Britains rarest breed)

Front ,side , and back views of Galloway House.

Now they headed back to Rigg Bay and the coastal path back to Garlieston.It was busier now with more walkers,birdwatchers and fishermen in evidence.A tall grey heron was spotted out on the rocks.
Back at the car park the general consensus was that the re-arranged walk was a highly successful alternative.

A very enjoyable walk with the blessing of good weather.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me