Saturday the 22nd November 2014
This walk was a repeat of one we did in January 2012.
My report for this walk will follow my pictures and a selection from Scoop will follow that.
Twenty two of us set off down the track to Cairngarroch Bay.
A shaky stile was the first of a few obstacles we crossed.
The first burn crossing.
All walkers over safely.
The climb to the clifftops
Some find it easier than others.
View back to Cairngarroch Bay.
Undulating tops.
The three fence (two electric) challenge.
Stair step topography.
Seabirds were constant companions.
Sweetie break stop.
Various fungi.
Just in case we never noticed !
A distant view beyond Ardwell Bay.
Inland from Dove Cave Head.
Many more gulls. The photographic enhanced effect is from the 'I'm feeling lucky' button on Picasa.
Little Float Farm.
It's sad that people put these 'Private' signs up without explaining that the track is open to walkers.
It's perhaps something the Scottish Government should look into. There are too many being erected around our beautiful countryside.
Lunchtime at Float Bay brought this fellow in close.
Hungry walkers tuck in.
Whatever was attracting them, the birds kept coming.
Departing Float Bay.
Treading carefully on the rocky stony terrain.
View back to Float Bay.
Water Cave, in need of exploration !.
A group photo after the steep scramble.
Kenmuir Farm Animals
Kenmuir Cottage, spaniels at the Pans and Saltpan cottage.
More stony and rocky terrain.
Ardwell Bay.
Cooling feet and the joy of sand after the stones.
Road up to West High Ardwell and the walk finish.
Here's the report.
Wigtownshire Ramblers
Saturday the 22nd of November 2014
Twenty two walkers assembled near West Cairngarroch farm for the walk start.
A muddy farm track led us downhill to the shore at Cairngarroch Bay.
Here, a stop was taken for the tragic tale of the WW2 plane crash to be read out.
On July the 27th 1944, two C47 Dakota's carrying wounded US servicemen crossed here en route to Prestwick. One never made it over the cliffs and all 22 on board perished. There’s a memorial plaque at the northern end of the bay.
Now our route took us across a burn and past a picturesque cottage to begin an often muddy ascent of Cairnmon Fell.
Though somewhat misty in the distance the Irish coastline could be made out. The sun was shining.
Continuing along the coastal path we reached the area known as Slunkrainy. Here the steep slopes down to the rocky shore were of 'Stair-Step' topography and undulated in and out and up and down.
Two deer were seen bounding away over the skyline. Later we saw more deer on the horizon. Rabbits, partridges and pheasants were also spotted on the walk.
A grassy field gave us some relief from the muddy track but we soon arrived at an obstacle that required physical contortions. A track through gorse led us to three fences of which two were electric. Both were accidentally discovered to be live. Discarding rucksacks and rolling under the last fence seemed to be the most popular of the various crossing methods applied.
Now a change of direction took the route inland to pass through Little Float Farm. From here a downhill track led down to Float Bay.
The delightful residence on the bay seemed deserted, so, though not trespassing we used the garden edges to sit for a lunch break.
During a lovely break we observed seals and seagulls. Something in the sea was attracting the birds as their flying and squawking, overhead and in the sea, never stopped while we were there.
After lunch we passed another holiday cottage. We wondered about the tides as we spotted a flood shield on a door bottom.
More clambering over the rocky shore was followed by a scramble up the steep slopes to access the viewpoint overlooking Float Bay. Here on Island Buoy stood the promontory fort known as Kenmuir Graves.
The sun was still shining and afforded wonderful views back up the Rhins coastline, including the wide mouth of Water Cave back on Float Bay. A fine spot for group photographs.
Now we walked back inland through open fields to bring us to Kenmuir. Reaching the T junction we turned back to the coast. At the Pans, four spaniels being exercised were happy to wag their tails at our passing. The road now brought us to Salt Pan Cottage where again we took the stony coastal path.
The humorous story of circus strong man Will Purves who lived in a cave at Saltpans Bay was again related.
The hard stony walking eventually gave way to the silvery sands of Ardwell Bay.
On reaching the car park we encountered a lady trying to recover a dog called Bobby who was spotted among the whins and bracken of the steep slopes. A happy ending saw Bobby re-united with his walker.
A short road walk up to West High Ardwell concluded the walk.
Drivers were now shunted back to Cairngarroch for their vehicles.
Most walkers now made their way to the Woodlea Tearoom at Sandhead for excellent after walk refreshments.
Next Saturday’s walk will be from St Ninian’s Cave to the Isle of Whithorn.. Meet at the Riverside car park in Newton Stewart at 09:15, the Breastworks car park at 09:00 or the walk start at St Ninian’s car park (NX 431 366). New walkers are always welcome but please contact the walk leader on 01988 840268 for full details.
Here's an excellent selection from
She tells me she took the one above at Port Logan on her way home.
While I took these below on my way home.
Between us we've created a nice pictorial record of a great day's walking.