Wigtownshire Ramblers
Saturday the 7th of March
Having a continuing problem with my knee and other issues at the back of my mind I never went on this walk.
However a dozen intrepid stalwarts did make the trip into South Ayrshire for the walk.
Sensibly, the walk leader, the 'Musician' decided to abandon the scheduled climb of Shalloch on Minnoch and stick to a new lower level route.
The few pictures were provided by the Musician and the Cartographer.
The snow pictures were from the recce.
The Musicians report follows the pictures.
Wigtownshire Ramblers
Walk Report Saturday 7/3/15
On Saturday twelve optimistic ramblers met at Stinchar Bridge carpark, on the Straiton road just over the border into Ayrshire. We were hoping to climb Shalloch on Minnoch the Corbett at the end of The Awful Hand range with fantastic views in all directions. The route planned was via Cornish hill and returning via Cairnadloch and had been checked three days before in snow.
However when driving through mist and seeing cloud completely covering Shalloch a new plan was made. On leaving the cars the wind was strong and after a very brief shower of rain we set off. The revised route was to climb Cornish Hill and walk as far as Loch Girvan Eye and then return following the Water of Girvan. So in a gale and limited visibility we set off on the well defined path through the forest where there was temporary reprieve from the elements. The heather covered summit at 460m was reached after a couple of false summits that were cairns marking the path. We descended and the rippling cloud morphed into a loch, Cornish Loch which we skirted around and found an excellent place to cross the burn. All the snow from three days before had melted so conditions underfoot were even wetter but tussocks and most holes could be seen. The stunning views had to be imagined. We followed the fence climbing up to Loch Girvan Eye from which the water of Girvan flows. Here we found shelter from the wind and enjoyed our lunch in good company in the remoteness of the Galloway Hills.
We retraced our steps but crossed to the east side of Cornish Loch and passed a dilapidated boat house to reach the river, the water of Girvan running North. It passes through Loch Skelloch ,Loch Bradan and eventually reaches the sea at Girvan. Walking beside lovely waterfalls we descended then crossed an excellent bridge and eventually did a bit more cross country tussock manoeuvres to reach the original Cornish Hill path and return through the beautifully green carpeted forest. We explored the path to the ruins of Craiglour Lodge and noted the plaque to Catherine Lawson, born there November 1940. We passed the gorgeous Stinchar waterfalls and imagined the pool on a hot summers day. We had been fortunate not to have any more rain and numerous positive comments were made about our five hour walk where we had a sense of adventure and remoteness but so easily reached from the road.
The House O' Hill was a convenient place to stop on our return and we were given a good welcome and provided with excellent refreshments.
Next week’s walk, a B- is along the SUW from Portpatrick to Stranraer at 9.5 miles. Meet for car sharing at the Breastworks, Stranraer, at 9.15am, the Riverside, Newton Stewart at 8.45am or at the Port Rodie Bus Stop (NX 063 609) to catch the 9.40am bus.Don't forget your bus pass. New walkers are always welcome but please phone the leader on 01776 705061.