Sunday the 28th of October 2012
Today's walk is a circular walk from New Luce. This Sunday walk came about because of the cancellation of the training weekend originally planned.
Today's leader is Shorty, I'm deputy walk leader and we recce-id this walk on Wednesday.
Because of the poor weather today, I'll be putting in some pictures from the recce.
Shorty's report will follow.
We're a group of eight intrepid walkers on this wet morning. (It looked like we'd be a group of nine, but that dropped to eight before we began.)
Bully just outside New Luce on the recce (He was in the same place today)
A partridge holding pen.
Above is Balmurray, Artfield Fell Windfarm, and a filled in mine shaft.
The rain eased occasionally, but my camera stayed much of the time in it's case.
Another picture from the recce. There are definite markings on this stone.
Again on the recce, I could zoom across to the Mull of Galloway.
Today it is wet as we look around the mine ruins.
Atop one of our half a dozen small summits.
This is the steel bridge over to Quarter Farm.
On the recce I'd been looking for the makers of this steel I found it. It was built in Scotland by the Lanarkshire Steel Co Ltd
To shelter from the wind and rain we'll lunch somewhere among these ruins.
I was nicely sheltered for lunch, but we need to move on again. There's not much information about this ruin ?
From now on the going gets much easier. We came across these feeding blocks. I guess they'll soon be antiques. "WALTER GREGORY & CO LTD Crawley, West Sussex
History: Walter Gregory & Co Ltd was established in Crawley, West Sussex, during the late nineteenth century to supply animal health products to farmers in the west of England. The company was acquired by Upjohn Ltd in 1966 and dissolved in 1993.
Records: Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 8PH "
More pictures from the recce.
After passing an old cairn we pass by Barlure farm.................
.............a couple of fields later we've an awkward drystone wall and the lovely Ward Burn to cross.
This train was photographed on the recce, we saw it today but from a distance and just a fleeting glimpse.
Back in New Luce i spot a few curios............ interesting knocker and a flush bracket number 11886
We finish the day with a warm welcome for tea/coffee, scones and cake at the Kenmuir Arms
Here's Shorty's report.
Ramblers – Sunday 28 October 2012
ramblers met at the New Luce village hall just as the kirk bell was
ringing. It was a dreich morning with
low scudding clouds and desultory rain.
One member decided that he believed the weather forecasts and set off
homewards. The remaining group walked
through the village and turned up the farm road leading to Barnshangan
farm. A few finches hopped around the
roadside hedges and sheep grazed unconcerned in the fields. Otherwise the group had the world to
Barnshangan they turned northwards up the old track leading to the old lead
mines. As they progressed the track
became wetter and less well defined but the group soon reached the remnants of
the mines. A series of banks, ditches and
pits covered a wide area. The workings
extended to the top of the low hill.
From there there were views over the valley of the Cross Water of Luce
and the surrounding countryside. The
large windmills at Artfield Fell to the East and Arecleoch to the North were
turning in the steady breeze. It was
noted that the proposed windfarms at Glenchamber, Carsecreugh and Glenkitten
would soon form a complete arc around the horizon.
group then zig zagged northwards over the moors, avoiding the worst of the bogs
over the low hills of Craigiegower and Big Milldown. They continued following cattle tracks over
squelchy mires and low hills until they could look down on Quarter Farm, once
known as the Dougaries, on the far bank of the Cross Water of Luce. They descended steeply to the Quarter
Bridge. This turned out to be
constructed from Bailey Bridge sections made from Lanarkshire steel, probably
of post war origin. The river was
pouring forcefully below the bridge with some dramatic eddies pulling at the
a short pause the ramblers set off up the farm track towards the Barrhill road.
They turned northwards up the road and crossed a cattle grid. When they reached the next area of firm
ground they turned off the road and made their way up to the ruined house at
Cairn Side where they sought shelter below the walls to have their lunch. Cairn Side had been a substantial house with well-built
outbuildings and a garden but old maps indicated that it had been derelict for
more than a century but some walls stood up to the top of a second storey. There was speculation as to why it had been
abandoned as it had apparently only been in use for about fifty years.
lunch was completed the group made their way up to the top of Craigbirnoch
Fell. The views from here were dramatic
in spite of the weather. To the north
they could see Beneraird, the objective of next week’s walk, and Knockdolian,
another favourite hill. Southwards they
could make out the sea in Luce Bay and just the suggestion of the Mull of
Galloway. After a brief pause they
descended the fell and made their way across the very soft ground towards
Barlure farm. With some relief they soon
reached the hard ground above the farm and continued through the fields past
the farm and southwards towards the railway.
A train trundled southwards towards Stranraer; a rare event. After traversing a dyke and crossing a small
burn they clambered back up to the fields which they followed, under the stern
gaze of a flock of sheep, back to the county road. A short walk down the road brought them back
to the village. The group repaired to
the Kenmuir Arms where they were made very welcome in spite of their damp
condition by the host and staff. The
group enjoyed excellent tea and cakes and a warm fire before dispersing.
next walk will be on Saturday 3rd November. It will be a fairly strenuous walk in the
South Ayrshire hills between Ballantrae and Glenapp. Meet at the Riverside Car
Park in Newton Stewart at 9:00 a.m. or the Breastworks Car Park in Stranraer at
9:30 a.m. to share transport. The walk
will start from the crossroads on the A77 above Glenapp (NX 095 790) at 10:00 a.m. If meeting at the start or for any other
queries, please contact the walk leader on 01292 441268. New walkers will be
made most welcome.