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Showing posts with label Water Boatmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Boatmen. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 March 2014

In the forest

A short walk in the forest on Friday the 14th of March 2014.
I'd gone to look for fungi, but it looks like the moss has taken over. It seems that the best fungi is around in the Autumn.
Still there were some colourful things to photograph.
Holly is thriving this year.

Close up of lichen (Cladonia Impexa)

I had quite a task getting this picture, couldn't seem to focus, but eventually got this picture.
I think they are water boatmen.

Across the other side of the pool I saw this, much bigger frog spawn than last weeks.

Worth a closer look...........

,,,,,,,,,,,,,and even closer.

More lichen. Top right is fungus on a small stick. I've no idea what bottom right is.
The picture I've left out, I eventually identified as the remains of a well chewed tennis ball. Folk do walk their dogs here.

A blown down tree makes a great shelter from the rain. (It wasn't raining though)

Under the fallen tree.

A small stream.

Same small stream, different angle.

Moss covers almost everything.

Is it a dragon or some other unknown forest beast ?

The spiders have been busy.

Lace Lichen (Ramalina menziesii)

In such a wet season, it seems certain species will thrive.

Another grass spider's web to finish the post.
Hope you enjoyed the walk.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me