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Showing posts with label Woodfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodfall. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Glasserton Circular February 2010

Firstly i'd like to apologise to regular readers for the shortage of blog content recently.Now that spring is just around the corner,i'm hoping to get my cameras busy enough soon,to document lots of interesting and photogenic happenings here in Galloway.

Now on to todays walk.
It's Saturday the 13th of February 2010.Todays walk was originally programmed for December 09,but with respect to the shooting season,it was delayed till today,hence the reason two of my walks were on consecutive Saturdays.

Since i've again written the press report ,i'll copy and paste it into the blog.This time though any supplemental words from me will be in italics.

A clear morning with occasional cloud,met the fourteen ramblers who gathered at Glasserton Church carpark for the walk. Snowdrops, finally emerging after the cold snap were like white blankets in the surrounding woods.
They began the walk by turning north-west at Glasserton Mains cottages along the old drovers track.
The first point of interest was the row of derelict cottages near the Row plantation.The walk leader noted that there had been quite a few families living here back in 1684 according to the parish records of that time.
Several roe deer were spotted crossing into Row plantation.

Next an old 'But and Ben' at Rouchan was explored before passing the Rouchan Pond.Here views opened up to the Fell of Barhullion and Monreith,as did Luce Bay over to the Mull of Galloway.Different breeds of sheep occupied the adjoining fields.
Reaching Craiglemine they now changed direction,heading south-west towards Carleton.
Reaching Bessie Yon,another derelict house was explored.It contained a delightful old fireplace complete with pot hanger,pot, grate and oven,and although very rusted gave a glimpse of a long since past way of life.
Now they headed through fields down to the shore at Carleton Port,where the tidal 'Lochans of Cairndoon' and Lochanscadden in particular were visible.
Lochanscadden is also known as the Herring Pool,and was presumably a tidal fish pond.
The rising smoke seen in the bottom picture of the above collage is i believe controlled gorse burning.The gorse on the cliff face along the stretch of coastline between Carleton and Glasserton has been burned since we did the recce on Wednesday,and they're probably continuing on northwards.(I've just seen gorse burning on Countryfile,which is why i'm mentioning it)
Upon reaching the shore the group now headed south east.The vast amounts of flotsam and jetsam along this stretch of coastline was a major talking point among the group members.
Thanks again to Scoop for her contributions of pictures,and for photographing my best side here...well presentable least i think so.
Beer kegs,gas cylinders,safety helmets,footballs and plastic containers were plentiful,but the most prolific items scattered were the fish boxes,with many of them still in perfect condition.
Due to impassable gorse and thorny bushes,much of the time was spent walking along the stony beach.Progress was steady at this point.
The precipitous cliff face of Carleton Fell with the Roman Laggan camp were passed.Footballs were constantly being kicked and the group eventually reached an ideal spot for lunch.Fish boxes made excellent tables and chairs.
During the break,and with much mirth,a survival tent was tested out.A fishing boat,and the Isle of Man were observed and discussed.
After lunch,they continued on.A large bushy tailed fox was spotted scampering into the undergrowth.A dead fox was also seen.
This is Scoop taking a picture of the cave at 'Bloody Neuk'.St Ninians cave is just the other side of it.
Reaching the cultivated fields(Port of Counan) south of Claymoddie,they now zig zagged up the path to reach the cliff tops.Here they took the clockwise path around the Hill of Glasserton.Here too,they passed an animal drinking trough fashioned out of a natural spring.
Now they headed along Broad lane back towards Glasserton.Over in South Challochblewn plantation a number of roe deer were seen bounding through the trees.
The site of Glasserton house and the ruined buildings of Home farm were next to be visited.The group then returned to the carpark.
Now the surprise of the walk was sprung by the walk leader and his deputy.While on the recce for the walk they'd spoken with the owner of the adjacent Woodfall Gardens .The result being an invite for the group to look around these impressive walled gardens,once part of the Glasserton House estate,and dating back to 1767.

A wonderful stroll through these magnificent grounds made for a brilliant end to a good walk.

Woodfall Gardens are owned and maintained by Lesley and David Roberts, with "assistance" from two Golden Retrievers.My thanks again to them for allowing us to visit.Check out their website here at
Woodfall Gardens
Visitors this year will be by appointment only,so make sure you ring up first.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me