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Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 November 2014

A wet and windy day posting

Thursday the 6th of November

View out my kitchen window.

View from my front door.

However yesterday was a nice day.
Regular Glebe Blog readers will know that one of my favourite stretches of water is the Penkiln Burn. After parking up north of Glenhoise, I took a farm track to the water's edge. 

This pair of ravens were performing aerobatics, I couldn't capture a tumble.

This ford is still in use as is another later in the post.
(I just checked this sentence on this website Reverso.Net and I'm told that no grammatical errors were detected)

The clarity of the water was beautiful.

I'd heard that the odd salmon had been spotted. I only saw a couple of small trout.

Hardly a cloud in the sky.

I moved South-West down the burn, lots of lovely waterfalls. 

There were  a number of very shy dippers. The one picture I got isn't worth publishing.

Had it been a warm summer's day, I would have loved to immerse myself here.

'gators in the Penkiln !!

The dappled sunlight created colourful canvases. 

I said hello to the shepherd who crossed this ford.

I finished my walk along the Penkiln at the perimeter of the Cumloden Estate.

A farm track took me back to Glenhoise with a grand view of Larg Hill.

It was busy overhead. Another less zoomed in view of Larg Hill with Garlick Hill to the right.

That evening I thought I'd try to capture some fireworks.
After taking the above two, I turned my attention to the moon instead.

Maybe one of these days I'll capture the ISS crossing over.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Flashy,wet and rumbling

Last night,Saturday the 7th of May 2011 was one of heavy showers and thunderstorms.

Munchie and the Kid were a bit apprehensive so I looked out of the window with them for a while.
I'm sure they've had scarier moments.

The weather must have caught some folks by surprise,there were lots of sirens going off.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wet and Mossy

We've had a lot of rain in the last few days.I decided it wouldn't stop me taking a few pictures so I headed up to Glenamour just outside Newton Stewart and walked up to Glenamour Loch.
Here's a few of the pictures I took.Best viewed full screen. I.e :- click on the picture.

I've a feeling there's something lurking under this next mound.
Let me see if I can see deeper.Where's my Xray machine ?

It's developing ! Here it comes..........................

Remember the invasion of the Blobbies ?
Hello My Darlings
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me