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Showing posts with label shoreline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoreline. Show all posts

Friday, 13 September 2013

A small post

I'll start this post with three pictures from earlier this week.

Love this bonny bird.

It's been a pretty dreich week, but I remembered I would be taking macro on Friday (today), so I got in some practise
Lot's of webs on gorse bushes.

Flowers on roadside bushes are getting past their best.

 Today I joined a fellow rambler for a shoreline outing with the Wigtownshire U3A Digital Photography Group. We're allowed a couple of outings for free to see if it's something we'd like to join.
I was interested in today's outing as the subject was 'Macro' and Keith Kirk, a 'Countryside Ranger' with Dumfries and Galloway Council Ranger Service would be imparting his knowledge of Macro.
As well as his day job, Keith is a well known wildlife and environmental photographer.
Here's his Facebook Page.
After tea and biscuits at the Harbour Cottage we were soon on Garlieston's shoreline.
We're soon turning stones over to see what we can find. I'm learning about Aperture Priority from Keith.
This is a cropped section of the next picture, taken on settings I've just learned.
.......and this is it, a starfish. They're quite small as the next picture will show.

This is the turned up boulder we're concentrating on.

Keith certainly knows his stuff and his wildlife.

We come across a number of crabs. This may be of the Velvet Swimming variety.

A number of the photographers in the group have tripods. I should have fetched my Gorilla Pod camera tripod with me. 

Here's an interesting array !

This is my best picture of the day I think.

Also on offer were anemones (probably Snakelocks)..................

........................and larger crabs.

I don't know if I'll be joining the club, but I'll certainly be doing more experimentation with camera settings.
I've learned something today.
Thank you U3A Digital for an enjoyable morning.

Monday, 30 April 2012

The Wigtownshire Ramblers (2 Walks) Cairnsmore via the Door and Maidens to Dunure April 2012

I did the recce for this walk, but I hadn't recovered from my bad chest enough to do the walk.
I thought I'd post it anyway. I should also have done last weeks, perhaps I'll do it later.
( It's easier to add it to this post, so it'll follow the Cairnsmore walk)
All pictures by Scoop.
Report by Lofty below.

Wigtownshire Ramblers Sunday 29/04/2012

A small group of 12 ramblers, including 3 visitors from the Biggar Ramblers group, assembled at the Cairnsmore Car Park near Palnure on a bright and blustery morning with the intention of climbing the Cairnsmore of Fleet via the Door.  They set off up the track towards Cairnsmore House with the trees showing signs of spring growth and a few bluebells showing colour amongst the undergrowth.  The route followed the traditional path until they reached the track at Cairnsmore farm.  Here they turned right towards the keeper’s cottage and then took the track eastwards above the Graddoch Burn.  The track continued to climb above the burn which it then crossed by a small stone bridge and emerged into an open field. Here the track was less well defined but the group followed the edge of the wood towards a gate which gave onto open moorland.  A few lambs scampered after their mothers but otherwise the cold wind kept most wildlife hidden.

On the moor the track was once again well defined.  It had been a well made track with large boulders marking the edges and a cobbled infill but rain and farm traffic had reduced it to a stony scar across the moor.  The group continued steadily upwards and soon reached the top of Knocktim Hill.  They paused to admire the view westwards over Wigtown Bay and the Machars.  The Isle of Man and the Mull of Galloway were just visible in the haze.  The cold easterly wind was funnelled through the gap between the hills and the walkers donned their coats and gloves and pressed on.

Beyond Knocktim the track became wet and peaty for a short distance but the good stone track resumed as they approached the main hill.  The map indicated that the track finished at a branch of the Culcronchie Burn but the ramblers found that it continued over the moor towards the Door of Cairnsmore.

As the group approached the cliffs of the Door they turned from the track and started to tackle the main hill.  They picked a route between the rocks and boggy patches trying to follow the areas of well burnt heather where the going was easier.  The route was sheltered from the cold wind by the hill above them and they climbed steadily, pausing frequently to admire the view and to get their breath back.  Higher up the hill the slope eased off but the ferocious wind increased and threatened to blow them back down.

Once the plateau was reached a short struggle against the wind led them to the cairn on the south summit of the Cairnsmore.  They paused briefly to admire the view eastwards and then pressed on to find some shelter for lunch.  They found a small hollow below some rocks and gratefully sat down to enjoy their meal.

After lunch they descended to the Nick of Clashneach where they crossed the old dyke and started to follow an old fence line above the cliffs.  There were fine views of the Clints of the Spout cliffs on the east side of the Cairnsmore, once the home of eagles, and over the peat hags and forests towards Loch Grannoch.  The dry weather meant that the Spout of the Clints waterfall was no more than a damp trickle down the rocks.  The wind was particularly fierce and the group had to battle to maintain their balance.  Some of the smaller members felt in danger of being blown away.  The group climbed steadily over the summit plateau and soon reached the shelter of the old cottage near the cairn.

After a brief pause the group emerged into the wind again and, after pausing to examine the airmen’s memorial, set off down the traditional path back towards the car park.  As they descended they soon reached the welcome shelter of the trees and a steady descent took them back to the car.  The day was concluded with excellent tea and cakes at the Stables tea room in Palnure.

The next event on Saturday, 5th May will be a leisurely walk around the coasts and paths in the central Rhins.  Meet at 09:00 at the Riverside Car Park, Newton Stewart or at 09:30 at the Breastworks Car Park, Stranraer to share transport.  The walk will start at 10:00 from West High Ardwell Farm (NX 078 453).  If meeting at the start or for any other queries please contact the walk leader on 01776 860315.  New members are always most welcome.

Maidens to Dunure
All pictures by Scoop.
Report by 'The Weaver' below.
(Another great walk I missed)

Ramblers’ walk Saturday April 21st

Maidens car park was the rendezvous for the ramblers at the beginning of this week’s walk. Twenty six members turned out on a beautiful sunny day to sample a section of the Ayrshire Coast Path.

The old turnpike road ran along the beach here before entering the policies of Culzean castle; the walkers followed this trail, crossing the wide playing fields which now adorn the sea front, and then the sands, before entering the Long Avenue by way of a convenient footbridge.

The Avenue ran by a derelict estate cottage, through woods with carpets of bluebells, wild garlic and marsh marigolds before reaching the Swan Pond. A short tour of the grounds had ramblers admiring a sculpture of an otter slide, carved out of a fallen cedar tree from Brodick Castle, by Isle of Arran sculptor, Marvin Elliot.

The walkers then paused to watch herons squabbling high up in a heronry before a short detour was made to admire the Cat Gates, designed around 1800, by Edinburgh architect John Thin. Stops were made at the Camellia House and the walled garden where old apple trees were in bloom. Passing magnificent flowering magnolia trees, the castle itself was reached and a final visit was made to the restored gas works.

The estate of Culzean is of great importance to Scotland’s cultural history; it emphasises the importance of the Picturesque movement of the late eighteenth century. Great credit must go to the management policies of the Country Park, the local authorities, and the Scottish National Trust in upkeeping and renovating the extensive grounds, and maintaining Robert Adam’s design of the Kennedy castle.

Another beach beckoned and with great reluctance the ramblers continued their planned walk. The path now took the walkers through trees, past idealistic holiday cottages with a glorious seascape view and a stream running by the garden wall, back onto the shore, once again following the old turnpike road.

Cliffs of yellow sandstone and a stony foreshore made the going slow with the tide at its peak. A convenient slipway marked a sheltered resting spot for lunch, where the somnolent tune of the waves allowed a leisurely wait for the tide to recede, enough to make the rocks at Isle Port passable.

Conglomerate rocks were a feature of the shore after the adventurous dash over rocks to avoid wet feet.  The formation of an ancient slurry, enfolding stones, and giving the look of badly mixed concrete, made the common name of pudding stone quite appropriate.

The cliffs gradually became higher and the route by the sea impassable, so the path climbed steeply, zig-zagging past an ancient settlement, to reach the top of the escarpment, where there was a wide view to Arran - Goat fell standing proudly above Holy Isle, and Ireland just visible in the murky distance. A big black cloud hung out to sea but sunshine continued to accompany the walk.

A grass field smartly rolled in wide stripes was skirted and the way led inland, avoiding a steep inlet, to cross a burn by stepping stones. A ploughed field with spring barley just sprouting took the walkers to an old lookout tower, where wartime coastguards watched for submarines and other shipping heading for the Clyde.

Soon after, the path dropped down through scrubland to enter Dunure’s Kennedy Park where another old ruined Kennedy castle, renovated dovecot and disused limekilns were passed and inspected as the company hurried to the tiny harbour for refreshments, after a most interesting and sunny walk.

Next week’s walk is on SUNDAY 29th April. A walk with Biggar ramblers up the South side of Cairnsmore. Meet for car sharing at Breastworks, Stranraer, 9am, Riverside, Newton Stewart, 9.30am, or at the walk start, Cairnsmore car park, NX464 632, 10am. If going directly to the start of the walk please phone walk leader, 01671 401222. New members will be made very welcome.

Monday, 22 February 2010

A Grand (Kids) Visit

It's half term holiday for the schools in England.My eldest daughter,and her two kids Callum and Erin are visiting for a couple of days.
It's a very frosty but sunny morning as we head of to Kirkcudbright to take a look at the wildlife park.This turned out to be a brilliant visit,and i'll be doing another blog on the animals and birds that are resident here.Here's the link to their own website.
Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park

They're still in the process of opening up as we got there.We were first there.
This Robin looks like it's hungry...
...and Aleksandr was one of the favourite inmates.'You want cheap car insurance' Callum does a great impression,i should have made a recording.I've got him in the background,but the audio quality's poor,so it's not going on.

Callum and his mum got to handle the Polecat while it was out of it's cage.
It's a brilliant place to visit,we stayed at least three hours.The Oriental Otters were amongst the most favourite animals.Cal came away with a Badger mask,while Erin fell in love with a Red Panda.Is he still called 'Levi'?

The weather holds up as we take a look around Kirkcudbright.
There's quite a few boats in the Marina.They're posing by 'Isabella',because that's their mums middle name.It was also the name of my mum.
On then for a walk on the beach,and rock exploration at Nun Mill Bay before heading over to Carrick shore for a beautiful sunset.That was a good day.

Next morning we're up and out early enough.We'll be spending much of the day at the Cream O Galloway
It's open for the schools half term.

All the activities were very popular,but the Karts needed at least a couple goes.

This is one of the farm's very friendly border collies.Sorry we couldn't bring it home kids.
After a walk up to the Lochans (I managed a bit of a recce for my walk in June)the fox slide,the tower and the maze were investigated with lots of gusto and fun...
...where do you kids get your energy.
There's no escape from this high security structure.It's no wonder you're going mad.Ha Ha

We've had a great time,and enjoyed different varieties of lovely organic ice cream,but it's time to move on.... the beach and rocks at Sandgreen.
It's still mighty cold,but we couldn't ask for better sunshine.Any rocks that needed climbing were climbed.Oyster Catchers and the odd Curlew Sandpiper kept us company.

Nearly time to head back to Newton Stewart,but not before some artwork and writing in the sand.
A final stop at the Creetown Lay-By for the sunset.
Thanks for visiting kids.It was great to see you.(And you as well mum of course)
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me