It's Saturday the 18th of July,and todays walk should be fairly moderate since we're following it with a barbecue near the shore at Ardwell

17 walkers gather at the path start above Cairgarroch Bay.
Regular blog readers will remember my previous visits here.
Cairngarroch BayCairngarroch Bay Revisited
The short walk down brings us to the bay.We won't be looking for the Memorial Plaque today.One of our senior walkers has the book written by Sandy Rankin with him,and a few facts are read out as the book is passed around.

We're heading south.It's mainly cattle that use this coastal path,and the going is tussocks,heather and mud.At least the muddy path is fairly firm since we've not had a lot of rain.

After gaining height on Cairmore Fell,we take a moment to look back at the bay.I'm able to point out the location of the memorial plaque for folk wanting to find it on a future visit.

The path improves as we continue south,that is until we need to turn inland.
Gingerly we tread,as we need to get through thick gorse and bracken,then three live electric fences.The easiest way through the last of these is to roll oneself.Apologies if some of you ladies look undignified in this collage,but the pictures are needed to highlight the 'Adventure' as the walk leader put it.

Everyone through,rucksacks go back on and composure is regained...

...and then another obstacle as we turn back towards the cliff tops.

The wild fowers and plant on this shore headland are really at their peak at this time of year,and make a wonderful kaleidoscope.

Now with a fair drop beneath us,we round bays and headlands with names like Slannax,Slunkrainy and Horney,caves called Goodwife's and Dove.It would be great if one had the time to research where some of these names come from.

With Clow cave beneath us we take our lunch break.Not a lot of food today,the barbecue's still to come!

A welcome break,but we're soon on the move again.

Now back inland a short distance as we head through Little Float Farm...

...then back towards Float Bay.
I remarked to fellow ramblers that i thought we'd spotted a seal the last time we were here.I was right it's here.
Time for a photo...

...this is known as Water cave.

Now comes the scramble up around Arthurs Skunk.This is nearly vertical in places,the photo's don't really show how steep this climb is.As one rambler pointed out.It's not the climb that worries's the fall !
We're soon all safely up though and take a moment to recover.

Now we have a reception committee at KenMuir where the cars to ferry us back to Cairngarroch are situated.
It doesn't take long to collect all the vehicles and we're soon on our way to Chapel Rossan Bay just south of Ardwell...
...where we receive a warm welcome from our catering volunteers.

The drink begins to flow...

...and the buns,burgers,salads,pastas and other delicacies are soon being scoffed.

We're joined by our Chairman and others who've either been at the regional meeting at Maybole,or were unable to walk with us today anyway.
It's a mostly alcohol free barbecue,due to having so many drivers,but the alcohol free beer and the few who can drink make it a merry affair.

We must be a really righteous group-why else would the weather be so good to us.

As we continue to enjoy ourselves the burger bar over by the shore...

...decides to pack up-they can't compete with a ramblers barbie.

As the party winds up,our chairman gives our volunteer catering crew a vote of thanks for a very successful outing.It's also decided that this should become an annual event,and next year it will be the Saturday after St Swithins Day.
After an adventurous walk followed by a great barbecue,today was memorable.
Pleased that the weather stayed good for you all, nothing better than good food and drink in good company, and all in such a fantastic setting as well. What more could you want.