Wednesday 6 July 2011

Larg Hill Recce

Monday the 4th of July.
The American day of Independence.
This was supposed to be the best day of the week,and as I write this midweek it seems to have been the case.

This is the recce for this coming Saturday's walk.It's one we've done before.
APRIL 2010

The least interesting part of this walk is the long forest road walk in to the climb start.

It's a great day though......

....and there is the memorial cairn and ruins of the village at Holm Ferrach.

We haven't had a lot of rain the last few days,but there's still a fair bit of water coming out of the hills.

I nearly missed the drystane dyke at Craigenteasy.A fallen branch obscures it a little.
This is where the climbing starts.
Tussocks and boggy ground make the climb start a bit of a haul,but once I'm above Punch Well Brae the going got easier.
Distance views were quite hazy though.I've enhanced quite a few of my pictures to compensate.
In the above picture is the dyke I'm following,Wigtown Bay,Arecleoch Windfarm and Ailsa Craig and below me Loch Middle .

 Once clear of the forest,the Blaeberries (Bilberries) looked ripe.

This one's on it's way to being digested.

This is the lower of Larg's two peaks.
I took ten second delay self portraits on each of my peaks.The results weren't very flattering and as Slewtrain says I've time on my hands.
I'd say at least 80 % of this picture is untouched,don't know about my brain though.Still he's a reasonable lookalike.

These are the views I got between Larg Hill's two summits.Below me is Craignaw.(I believe this gets called little Craignaw so it isn't confused with it's higher namesake above the Silver Flowe National Nature Reserve)

Now this is me again on the higher of the two Larg Hill summits.The ten second delay function seems to be causing the light to play tricks,I think I look pretty cool here.

Here's a closer look at Craignaw as I enjoy my lunch.It's steep and rocky below.

Now I'm on the move again and get this view of Curleywee.I still haven't been up there.

I've had to take a round route over to Craignaw.Below Larg to the north west is what I believe in geology is called a 'Cirque',a bowl like depression left over from the glacial periods.
The top picture in the above collage is Larg Hill from the north west.
Sheep,lochans and bogs get photographed on the way over.

There's no trig points on any of these hills,but there's a really good all round view from here on Craignaw.
I took pictures to make a 360 degree panorama,but I haven't stitched them together because of the haze.It would be a cracker on a clearer day.

Some thing wrong with the ten second timer again,but that's definitely the real me this time.

Now I begin my descent.
Steeply below is the Mulmein Burn,I'll follow that then as it then joins another tributary to become the Caldons Burn.

It's a beautifully scenic flow of water.

As I descend I get good views over to the hills north of Loch Trool.
Top left in the above collage shows Bennan,Benyellery and the Merrick.

The paths aren't too well defined and not well trodden either.It's quite overgrown in places,but I make steady headway.

Now I come to the ravines and steep drops that the pictures wont do justice to.Someone needs to go down to show them in perspective.The path comes perilously close to the edge at times and in the event of rain on Saturday,Larg Hill will have to wait for another day.

Continuing my descent below the ravines,I get to some more accessible waterfalls.The tree trunk in one looks almost petrified,I guess it's been there a while.

This is an amazing water drop after a lot of rain.
I took a picture of it in full flow once but it didn't come out good.

I'm almost down and there's a patch of colour in wild orchids and bell heather.I get my macro working.

The last stretch gets me past where they're quarrying stone.(trees were being felled here the last time),a hollysprig next to a moss covered stone,the campsite at Caldons and a young lady preparing food for some developing youngsters.
Venture Trust looks like a worthwhile organisation.

And finally an untouched reflection of me on the bridge over the Water of Trool.

I'm heading home now,hungry sweaty and nearly out of drinking water.
What's this police van doing at the Glebe.Oh no ! they're evacuating the residents after an explosion on a nearby work site amid fears of more gas cylinders exploding.
The biggest bang ever experienced in the Glebe which shook the houses and occurred around 2pm and I missed it.

Before I head for Penninghame Primary school,the information and evacuation nub of the incident, I've got to get some refreshment from the supermarket.

Suitably refreshed I head for the school where I hear the stories from other residents.
After a while we get the all clear,it seems there's been no injuries and everything's cooled down.

A good day,but I'm glad to get home. 


  1. Excellent recce. I have a lot to learn about this photography lark the photos of you make you look a wee bit younger than life. Hope the sun shines for you on Saturday.

  2. Great Post Jim.Very good photos.Wish I had your skill on photoshop or whatever you used.If thats Brad Pitt we have the real thing coming to Glasgow though as he,s filming in George Square for two weeks this August.
    I was asked to do a few leader walks years ago for an old club... I said I was willing only if I didnt have to do a recce before hand.Managed some interesting adventures up unfamilier hills before I was politely told that wasn,t how they did things and was asked to stop:)

  3. Hi Gordon,it's easy once you've mastered it.I can make crying babies smile.My best photos are always untouched though.Apparently there's a way to tell if a pictures been doctored.There's no end of professional photographers who've been disqualified from competitions for excessive digital manipulation of their images.

    Bob,as well as Brad filming they're talking of the new Batman film being shot in Scotland.We've always been popular with film makers haven't we.

    I'm sorry to say I have the same issue with potential walk leaders.If you're just a gang of mates or a loose unaffiliated group then no problem.If it's an official group like the Ramblers as we are,then you're liable to prosecution if things go wrong.
    This page was brought to my attention a while back.

  4. Hi Dad, love the shots. I didnt see anyone like that last time I was up there. see ya Lynn


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