Tuesday 3 January 2012

Wigtownshire Ramblers Cairngarroch January 2012

It's Monday the 2nd of January and I've recovered enough from my bug to allow me to get out with my walking group.
This first walk of the year is one we've done before.
July 2009

We start the walk at Cairngarroch Bay, another regular post.
Cairngarroch Bay
Cairngarroch Bay Revisited

There are nineteen walkers today.I'll be writing the report which will follow the pictures.

Downhill to Cairngarroch

C47 Dakota Memorial Plaque
The Scottish War Memorials Project

I showed the way since very few of the group had ever visited this spot

Climbing Cairnmon Fell

View back to Cairngarroch Bay

Passing by places with names such as Slannax, Strand-Foot, Good Wife's Cave and Slunk Rainy

Float Bay

Oyster catchers on Float Bay

Looking back to Float Bay

Rocky clamber towards Arthur's Slunk

Scrambling up to the viewpoint above Dun Stone

View back beyond Float Bay to Water Cave

Heading inland towards Kenmuir


Saltpans Bay

I've been loaned a Dumfries and Galloway publication, 'Through the Lens' 'Glimpses of old South Rhins'.
The following picture has been taken from it.
This is Will Purves who lived in a cave at Saltpans Bay.
A former circus strong man he lived in the cave for many years.
He'd spend his evenings in the social atmosphere of Clachanmore Smithy, entertaining the company by lifting the anvil from it's stand and carrying it round the smithy.
Annoyed on one occasion by a remark, he left taking the anvil with him and depositing it a quarter mile away at the crossroads, whence it was retrieved by the blacksmith with much difficulty - and assistance !

Saltpans Bay

Passing Red Isle and Stinking Bight

Ardwell Bay

The Wee Ardwell Woodshop

Wigtownshire Ramblers 
Monday the 2nd of January 2012

It was a cold windy day as nineteen ramblers met at Cairngarroch in the South Rhins for this, the first walk of the year.

A muddy track was followed to reach the shoreline at Cairngarroch Bay.Three small deer were seen bounding up the steep slopes above the bay. 
Though the walk was to go south, an early detour was taken to view the memorial plaque at the northern end of the bay.
After a scramble over a rocky promontory this was reached and the significance of the plaque and aircraft remains was explained.A copy of  The Rhinns Forgotten Air Disaster by Sandy Rankin was also on hand.On July the 27th 1944, two C47 Dakota's carrying wounded US servicemen crossed here en route to Prestwick.One never made it over the cliffs and all 22 on board perished.
After retracing their steps to the picturesque fishermans cottage they now followed the muddy coastal path uphill to round Cairnmon Fell.Although the wind was bitterly cold, lots of sunshine compensated.
Continuing along the coastal path they reached the area known as Slunkrainy. Here the steep slopes down to the rocky shore were of 'Stair-Step' topography and undulated in and out and up and down.More deer were seen bounding away over the skyline.
A green field was next to be accessed.It required a muddy passage through gorse, a drystane dyke and three fences of which one was discovered to be a live electric one. 
Now a change of direction took the route inland to pass through Little Float Farm.From here a downhill track led down to Float Bay.
After admiring the presently occupied large beach house the walls of the smaller cottage and surrounding rocks provided shelter for a lunch break.

After lunch more clambering over the rocky shore was followed by a scramble up the steep slopes to access the viewpoint above Dun Stone.The sun was still shining and afforded wonderful views back up the Rhins coastline, including the wide mouth of Water Cave back on Float Bay.
Back inland through open fields and muddy gate entrances brought them now to Kenmuir where some exuberent Lhasa Apsos delighted the group as they talked with their owners.
Now the road back to the shore via Salt Pan Cottage was taken where again the stony coastal path was reached.
Soon though they passed the geological feature known as the Stinking Bight and were on the silvery sands of Ardwell Bay.
After reaching the car park a short road walk up to West High Ardwell concluded the walk.
The day was topped off in a welcoming farmhouse kitchen where all manner of seasonal cakes and savouries,tea and coffee, sherry,port and wine were heartily enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, I'm glad your on the mend! I don't think you have wasted any time as I can see you & your group have already begun your 2012 journeys!
    Happy New Year!


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.