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Showing posts with label Barncaughla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barncaughla. Show all posts

Friday, 26 November 2010

Where's the snow ?

It's Friday the 26th of November 2010 and while the north and east have been getting snow storms,here in the south west of Scotland it's been cold but bright.

The first four pictures were taken on farmland close to Kirkcowan as I look for possible ramblers walks.
Flooded fields have frozen over.

This is the Killeal burn.It flows into the Bladnoch close by.
Marked on the OS map at it's confluence with the Bladnoch,are stepping stones.I think the river needs to be quite low to cross.I never took a picture.

There's a few 'des. res.'in need of some modernisation.

The next set of pictures are in Glenamour close to Newton Stewart.
Here's a Great Tit.I like the contrasts in this picture,It looks like one of my collages.

I posted a 'Wet Grass' picture last week.Here's a frozen one.

The burns are still flowing well.

The moss covers tree stumps and spreads all round at this time of year.I can visualise a squirrel in this picture.

Reaching Glenamour loch, I spot this heron.

It's about twice the size of the one that frequents Newton Stewart weir.

It took off soon after.They reckon the wing span of a grey heron is around six feet.I'd swear you could add another foot each side to this one.

Apart from the heron the only other sign of life I saw was some kind of water beetle under the ice.There's not a lot of food around a frozen loch.

I've taken pictures and panoramas here before.
Here's Barncaughla from a different viewpoint.

Another few days before the ice is safe to walk on.It's about 30 millimetres thick at the moment.

Just below Glenamour Loch is the small Glengarren Loch.It's usually quite overgrown in the middle of summer,but there's not much undergrowth now.This is the first time I've seen this boat.In all my time here I've still to come across anyone fishing these lochs.Down by the main road,Old Mill Dam or Wee Loch Glenamour as it's sometimes called seems the preferred choice of anglers.

And this is Glengarren Loch.
No doubt we'll get the snow soon enough.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Glenamour and Barnclaugha

Glenamour Loch

Wednesday the 22nd of October 2008.It was a nice morning and it came to mind i'd like to revisit Glenamour.A pleasant walk up to the loch,and the first view i got was of this Whooper Swan.

I had it in mind i might get some good panoramas today,and i think i did.

Panorama of Glenamour Loch on

As well as the CleVR productions the pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Panorama of Glenamour Loch(1) on

Moving over to the east, i began climbing Craignine hill with this view behind me.

The sheep were initially curious,but soon moved away.

Cairnsmore was topped with cloud,the cattle paused in their grazing to eye me up.


Now viewing Barncaughla farm this is one mighty rock.I wonder if it ever had any significance.

Another view of Barncaughla Farm on the route of the old Edinburgh Road above Glenamour near Newton Stewart in Southwest Scotland.

Panorama of Barncaughla on

Barncaughla Farm was the birthplace in 1669 of John McMillan,a well known member of the cloth during the days of the Covenanters.

It's become cold and overcast as i head back to the carpark,but i'm glad i came up here today.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me